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Questions tagged [tolerance]

A window of acceptance, often expressed as a percentage, in which a non-perfect value is still accepted as usable.

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4 votes
7 answers

Precise Electronic Measurements

I've been looking into various electronic components and noticed rampant 5%, 10%, and even 20% tolerances and accuracies not only in basic components such as capacitors, inductors, and resistors, but ...
beardeadclown's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Ceramic capacitor, service manual mentions 99% tolerance?

Sony part 1-102-050-00 Service manual states: 0.01uF - 99% - 500V Ceramic cap looks like your average brown circle with no markings. Used in CRT projector. Basically no idea what tolerance I should ...
VIdeodrome's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Tolerance of board-to-board headers

I am designing two boards. The bottom one is the power board that contains power switches on IMS (metal-clad board), while the top board is the logic board (4-layer FR4). Board to board height is ...
Eng Sam's user avatar
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2 answers

How accurate are internal terminators on chips with high speed differential inputs?

I'm aware that due to process variation, some analog parameters of semiconductor devices can vary; sometimes quite a lot. (E.g. the SST3904 transistor specifies a DC current gain somewhere between 100 ...
Rocketmagnet's user avatar
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Internal RC oscillator for reliable UART

I want to use this microcontroller - Mini58FDE (Product page) (Datasheet) Clock parameters are mentioned as: Clock Control 4 to 24 MHz crystal oscillator Internal 22.1184 MHz (±1% accuracy at 25℃, ...
Whiskeyjack's user avatar
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2 answers

Tolerance Stack Up Distribution

Suppose I've got a 2V source with 2% accuracy that I want to divide down to 1V using 5% resistors. One can easily see with Monte Carlo analysis that the worst case output voltage deviation is 7% I'd ...
Jacob Faseler's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Tolerance on a resistor when looking at a schematics

In the schematics at the end of this document, there are a bunch of resistors. The author says in a footnote: Part Notes, All Pages: Unless noted: Resistors are 5%, 0.12 W, or better, for standard 5%...
DarkBulle's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Is there a specific definition for the tolerance value of a resistor?

Is there any authoritative definition for what the tolerance value of a resistor actually specifies, or is it just a de-facto common understanding, or are the details left up to individual ...
epiii2's user avatar
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0 answers

DC-DC Converter usual tolerance

I wonder what the usual voltage tolerance is for a low power (approx. 1-20 W) Buck converter (over its whole operating temperature range). So far I have found values around +/- 1.5 % What is your ...
stowoda's user avatar
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23 votes
11 answers

Is there ever any reason to prefer 5% tolerance resistors over 1%?

I work at an electronics store and the other day a customer came in who was rebuilding a circuit board. I sold him some resistors, but later he came back in wanting to return some of them because they ...
Justin Pederson's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Calculation of tolerance of a resistor for voltage sensing

I want to calculate the tolerance of resistor accurately to run a simulation to simulate accuracy of voltage sensor. The resistor I am using is CRCW0603330RFKEA - 330 Ω from Vishay and I can't see ...
Alison's user avatar
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1 answer

Altium hole tolerance vs IPC hole tolerance

I would like to start using the hole tolerances in Altium to provide more information to my fab house. What I'm trying to figure out is the interaction with the IPC fabrication allowances I have ...
Kontakt's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How can power factor be reliably estimated given the phase error in current sense transformers?

The majority of mains power sensing devices I've seen (both commercial products and ICs) utilise a current sensing transformer. Many of them also calculate or estimate power factor. However, the phase ...
Polynomial's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Cascading resistors in series

Suppose, let's assume an IC pin requires a 10kohm 1% tolerant resistor connected to ground for its proper operation. In that case, can someone tell me whether I can split the required resistors into ...
user avatar
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2 answers

What is the maximum error of this ADC?

I've read every article on the first two pages of Google trying to understand DNL and INL. Not a single lesson gave a specific example I could relate to, so now I'm still wildly confused and have no ...
AJ_Smoothie's user avatar
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1 answer

What does it mean to have a settling time at 5% of final value?

I need to make my control system to have a tolerance of 5% in less than 0.5 seconds (settling time ts = 0.5s at 5%). My question is: does 5% mean the error band can be between these values in red (...
StrainGauge1Fan's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

Measure capacitors in parallel and series to increase precision?

I measure a capacitor \$C_1\$ with an instrument that has a tolerance of measurement \$\pm 5\%.\$ I do the same with another cap \$C_2\$. Then I put \$C_1\$ and \$C_2\$ in parallel (values add up) and ...
Niculae George Razvan's user avatar
6 votes
7 answers

Component Tolerance Probability

This is more of a manufacturing question than anything else. What is the probability distribution of component tolerances? For example, let's say I ordered a 100 ohm, 5% resistor, and I order 100 ...
JohnnyMac's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Monte Carlo Analysis in LTspice: Gaussian or Uniform distribution for the tolerance of resistors?

I am running 1000 simulations in LTspice to do Monte Carlo Analysis of the output voltage signal on a circuit with 3% tolerance resistors. Firstly, does LTspice assume the resistors' values are ...
doumham's user avatar
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1 answer

Root Sum Square (RSS) tolerance of parallel resistors

I am trying to figure out the formula for RSS-ing two parallel resistors, but for the life of me can't figure this out. For series resistors it is easy, just $${R_1 + R_2} \pm \sqrt{ dR_1^2 + dR_2^2}$$...
Edba's user avatar
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4 answers

E Series: is there any place that explains it?

So I am doing a work on optimizing circuits, and I came to study the E series of components. I'm a bit confused and I cannot understand soem things: How do the tables of values (E3: 1.0, 2.2, 4.7) ...
Granger Obliviate's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Root Sum Square

Can anyone in a simple way explain why this formula works. It is the Root Sum of Squares where you square your values then add together then take the square root. It seems to be used quite a lot in ...
Edba's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

precise 50 Hz oscillator [closed]

I need an astable multi-vibrator at exactly 50 or 100 Hz with exactly 50% duty cycle. using circuits like 555 can't give me that with the common well-known values of components R and C , let alone the ...
Abd Alhaleem Bakkor's user avatar
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Motor run capacitor tolerance

From wikipedia: If a wrong capacitance value is installed, it will cause an uneven magnetic field around the rotor. This causes the rotor to hesitate at the uneven spots, resulting in irregular ...
Tagar's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Any solution to reduce the tolerance of a potentiometer? [closed]

In my design we use a slider potentiometer value of 10k with tolerance of 20%. At particular point of potentiometer whenever I come to that position my resistance value changes every time. Also every ...
harsh bhatt's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

In terms of costs of mass production: is it better to try to reduce resistances' tolerance or capacitors' tolerance?

So I am doing a small project of optimization of components tolerance to reduce the impact of circuit sensitivity to meet a project specification. Right now I am with 5% resistors and inductors and 3% ...
Granger Obliviate's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How much is the tolerance of the transistors?

I am simulating circuits on SPICE (LTSpice and PSpice), I have assigned tolerances to both resistors, capacitors and inductors. But now I would like to try to understand how much a transistor can ...
Brando's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Typical tolerance of transformer secondary voltage?

I bought a transformer that said it would transform 230VAC to 34VAC (actually 2x17VAC, but it came with instructions how to connect the two secondary windings in series to get 34VAC.) Even taking into ...
Stephan Neuhaus's user avatar
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2 answers

Can I use a .75 HP inverter drive in place of a .5 HP one?

I am trying to replace some .5 HP 3-phase AC 240V motor drives with a different brand. The new brand doesn't seem to offer a .5 HP variant. Would the .75 HP variant work? Edit: A little twist -- the ...
DJG's user avatar
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0 answers

Capacitor Array Tolerance of Caps in Same Package

Consider an MLCC capacitor array like CA064X471J5GACTU. Its tolerance is 5% but does this apply to capacitors within the same package? More specifically, I am wondering if the tolerance of caps within ...
squarewav's user avatar
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1 answer

Voltage and current tolerances

I'm attempting to self-learn as much as I can about electrical fundamentals and circuit building (red flag here I'm sure, but want to be completely honest in the hopes that someone can offer some ...
TwoTriads's user avatar
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How can I calculate the worst-case Tj of a MOSFET in discontinuous operation at another Tamb?

I am faced with the task to calculate the maximum junction temperature of a MOSFET in a half-bridge, having conduction losses, switching losses and diode losses. The real difficulty comes from the ...
christoph's user avatar
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2 answers

Calculating resistor end-of-life drift in the worst case analysis

How is it possible to calculate the tolerance of the end-of-life based on this datasheet? My specs are -30°C to 60°C and I want to estimate the drift/ ...
NightElf's user avatar
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4 answers

Selecting proper resistance based on tolerance

I want to replicate a project. The specification lists several resistances. But they only specify the value of the resistance. I went to buy resistances, but they first had me select a tolerance. ...
user1584421's user avatar
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20 votes
11 answers

Is there a way to average resistors together to get a tighter overall resistance tolerance?

I have a very sensitive, kHz frequency level, application where I need two matched resistors of the same resistance better than 0.05%. Like maybe by one magnitude (0.005%). I am basically needing to ...
Josh Girgis's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

How does manufacturer determine initial tolerance for capacitors?

Short version: I understand resistor initial tolerance is commonly obtained through sorting process where manufacturer only picks resistor that has resistance within the advertised initial tolerance. ...
brokenegg's user avatar
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Ferrite bead DC-resistance tolerance

What is the DC-resistance tolerance for a smd ferrite bead (e.g. BLM18RK102SN1D)? Does anyone know? The datasheets I have seen only give a maximum value for the DC-resistance.
stowoda's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Is error due to sensor tolerance random or systematic? [closed]

Welcome all. It might sound like basic question however it is question worth asking.
Wintermute's user avatar
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2 answers

What's the precision of a quartz crystal?

Crystal datasheets usually list the following parameters: The Frequency Tolerance of a crystal is defined as the allowable deviation from the specified Frequency when measured at 25°C or room ...
xvan's user avatar
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1 answer

Placement of Through Hole with a High Tolerance Dimension

Beginner question here. What does one do about the placement of the through hole when one dimension of the part has a high tolerance. For example, I place the through hole anticipating the center of ...
JPMorgan's user avatar
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Choosing resistors in series to make standard values

I am working on designing a precision analog filter for a university electronics project. The resistance values I am using (to meet the filter specifications) are not E96 values, so I am combining ...
JAS's user avatar
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4 answers

What exactly does a resistor's tolerance rating mean?

I thought that I had this pretty much figured out over 30 years ago during my initial schooling, but various answers posted to a support forum of a major semiconductor manufacturer(name withheld to ...
GB - AE7OO's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

Why would a part be available as 4.99k and 5k?

I was looking at chip resistors, and came across the MORNTA1001AT5, which comes in many resistance values. The resistor tolerance is 0.1%, so what is the logic of having the part available in both 4....
b degnan's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Can an electronic system be built with absolutely no single point of failure?

Is it possible to make an electronic system, where every sub-system is duplicated and absolutely nothing is a single point of failure and if a failure (or multiple failures) occurs the system itself ...
ConanTheGerbil's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to design two circuits with Instrumentation Amplifier to produce the same output?

I want to measure the current in a 5V circuit. The current is between 50uA and 2.5mA. The current is from a NTC and it changes slowly (10Hz measurement is fast enough). Here is the typical ...
Edgar's user avatar
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1 answer

Set the Gain of an Opamp Accurately Using a Potentiometer

I want to set the gain of an opamp accurately using an potentiometer, with low thermal drift and good long-term stability. From what I've read, there are three basic ways of doing it, but none of them ...
比尔盖子's user avatar
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Calculate the differential common-mode gain of instrumentation amplifier

I am trying to design an instrumentation amplifier with a CMRR of 50 dB. I have to target a differential gain of 60 dB. $$ CMRR(dB) = 50 dB = 20log(\frac{A_{vd1}}{A_{cm1}})+ 20log(\frac{A_{vd2}}{A_{...
user367640's user avatar
4 votes
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What's the DC voltage range typically tolerated by modern smartphones?

The modern USB charging circuitry of mobile phones is pretty sophisticated. For example they can negotiate higher charging voltages etc. This question, inspired by a discussion on worldbuilding, is ...
Peter - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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What is the impact of Earth's magnetic field polarity on consumer electronics?

Earth's magnetic poles are known to have inverted in the past. How are commonly used circuits or component of consumer electronics (from energy production/transportation to TVs, mobile phones and PCs) ...
beppe9000's user avatar
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lm35 Temperature Readings are not right after sealing with Hot-melt adhesive (How mush has it Soldering max Temp toleration ?)

I need to seal the LM35 temp sensor so, I used this device for sealing it: The code I have used are: ...
Soheil Paper's user avatar