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6 votes
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Active pull-down in LSTTL totem-pole output

The lower totem-pole transistor of a LSTTL IC frequently has an active pull-down from base to emitter (ground). Here is an example from TI's SN74LS93 datasheet. I was curious how this active pull ...
Math Keeps Me Busy's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

BJT circuit with totem pole output

In the circuit above, I don't understand how to close and open the BJT that I circled. To be specific, I think that when I give input 1 the circled BJT should be opened, but how? What is the voltage ...
Güven Öztürk's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

TTL NAND gate (totem pole) current and voltage analysis

I am working on a few practice problems for my course and I am unsure about my working throughout. hoping for some feedback and guidance from the community as it's not my strongest topic. Here is ...
Tony GR's user avatar
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