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Questions tagged [totem-pole]

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1 answer

TTL NAND gate (totem pole) current and voltage analysis

I am working on a few practice problems for my course and I am unsure about my working throughout. hoping for some feedback and guidance from the community as it's not my strongest topic. Here is ...
Tony GR's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Why doesn't shoot-through occur on totem-pole structure?

I'm designing a totem-pole by BJTs in order to drive a MOSFET. I studied on several online examples and built up my circuit according to what I understood from them. However, there is a detail which ...
hkBattousai's user avatar
  • 14.2k
11 votes
3 answers

Difference between push-pull and totem-pole

I can't understand/see the difference between a push-pull and a totem-pole output. Push-pull: Totem-pole: Do these circuits have a transistor in the input for something like "double ...
Martino Pistis's user avatar