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esp32 s2 touch sensor read

I have a problem with capacitive sensor. I have created PCB with 2 capacitive sensors. Everything is working fine and ESP32 s2 mini reading values as I expect while I powering up esp32 with type-c 5v, ...
Ignas Navickas's user avatar
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Problem with TTP229-BSF using Arduino Uno

I'm trying to use a 16-channel capacitive touch sensor named TTP229-BSF with an Arduino Uno. I use the following code it works correctly when i touch directly but when i place two 4 mm plexiglass pads ...
salar1991's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

What is the best way to achieve triggering a function on device contact?

Let's say I have a smart pen. It has a microcontroller that can communicate with my server. I want to have a really small and flat gadget (let's call it The Receiver) that when you touch it with that ...
Marin Dedic's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to setup a GT911 touch panel using Arduino? (I2C communication)

I have a 9 inch touch panel which has a GT911 controller and works with I2C. I should configure its registers and then read the touched points' coordinates. It has 6 pins (Vcc, GNd, INT, RST, SCA, SDA)...
Mohammad Ebadi's user avatar
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Multiple ESP8266-12E's with multiple touch sensors

I'm looking for some advice, and I'm not sure I'm barking up the right tree by using ESP8266 NodeMCU CP2102 ESP-12E's. I am currently using Arduino IDE to program the 8266's. I have two 8266's that I ...
Steve's user avatar
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ESP32 touch sensor outputs unstable values

I am trying to implement touch functionality of esp32 development board to toggle a led. But on uploading a simple touch detection sketch, output have spikes i.e. usually value remains near 100 but ...
Rishabh's user avatar
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How do I read a simple touch sensor value from Arduino? [closed]

I suppose instead of connecting to the LED it will connect to A3 on the Arduino for example but I'm having a hard time making it work. I don't know which point on the circuit should be connected to ...
JingleBells's user avatar