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ATmega168 TQFP vs. 28DIP - different behavior after programming

I have developed a program for ATmega168 using Atmel Studio 7.0 and Atmel-ICE as debugging interface. The development was done on a 28DIP package, since it's easy to work with it on a breadboard. ...
hamid's user avatar
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3 answers

Find first pin of a LQFP chip

I have bought some ATSAM4E8C chips in LQFP 100 package. The datasheet shows that the IC should have a dot indicating the first pin, but mine have two dots. One larger in the corner, and a smaller ...
user17152's user avatar
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Solder mask for 0.5mm pitch TQFP

I'm using Atmel SAM chips and the data sheets don't have any mention of solder mask clearance for their TQFP packages. What would be a nominal pad/solder mask opening/cream size for a 0.5mm pitch ...
pdel's user avatar
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