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What does 'Output load (pull up or pull down' mean on a datasheet for a pressure transducer?

I am setting up a sensor network to monitor a few things including pressure. I am going through the following datasheet, honeywell sensor, and it has a field called 'Output load (pull up or pull down)'...
Kody Rogers's user avatar
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Ultrasonic transducers driver review (25 kHz, 150 Vp-p)

Transducers specs: Resonance frequency = 25 kHz +/-1 kHz Maximum driving voltage = 150 Vp-p Capacitance = 2.4 nF +/-20% Proposed driver circuit and simulation: Seven transducers are driven for a ...
Abdella's user avatar
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Through-Glass WiFi Antenna

I used to install a lot of in-car UHF radios & hands-free cell phone kits. I mostly worked on trucks & commercial utility vehicles fitted with bull bars, upon which I would mount a big, bulky, ...
voices's user avatar
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Pressure Transducer to complete circuit

I'm using the Adafruit Feather nRF52 to build the HIDScan sketch which essentially allows completed circuits to transmit keys over bluetooth. I have a switch that connects from pin A0 to GND, and ...
ergonaut's user avatar
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Does this circuit need any additional protection? Arduino to Pressure Transducer

So I'm powering and reading a Honeywell Pressure Transducer from my Arduino Mega board. I've got the circuit wired up as shown in the schematic below with the Excitation line from the Transducer going ...
clifgray's user avatar
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How to amplify a 25khz square wave that goes from -3.3v to +3.3v so that the amplitude is doubled

I have a 3.3v power supply (lithium ion battery) and am using a TI MPS430G2553 chip to generate a 25khz square wave using 2 PWM pins and a push-pull setup. This square wave goes from -3.3v to +3.3v. ...
Curtis's user avatar
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What kind of Ultrasonic Transducer is capable of 85db at 25khz-40khz using 5vdc and is 1cm diameter?

I'm building a dog training device. I don't want to zap or shock the dog, but just produce an ultra-sonic sound that will discourage current behavior. I tried an online schematic and it didn't get ...
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