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2 answers

Why do we use a MUX rather than tristate buffers to implement a bus?

Consider a small digital system consisting of registers connected to a bus interconnection network. It is well-known that the output to the bus can (functionally) be implemented either with tristate ...
EE18's user avatar
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System Verilog Mux Implementation using tri-state buffers

I found a verilog implementation of a mux using tri-state buffers in the document UMD Lab Tutorial on Verilog (I'm not a student, graduated 2 years ago :)) ...
nebuchadnezzar_II's user avatar
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How can I control a "high" voltage charlieplexed LED array?

Context I want to design a system that allows me to control different LED arrays that I have, which can be either conventional multiplexed arrays (MP) or charlieplexed arrays (CP), by just plugging ...
Smart_Celery's user avatar
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Choosing the best approach for data selection in a datapath

For a university project, I have to design and construct a very simple CPU including the ALU. In order to select between different data lines that go into the ALU(32-bit data line), I have thought of ...
Abishek0398's user avatar