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Questions tagged [voltage-doubler]

For questions about circuits which produce an output voltage that is double the input voltage, usually using a combination of capacitors, diodes, and/or transistors.

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Voltage doubler waveforms

A voltage doubler is connected like this (the voltage source in series with the inductor simulates transformer output): After stepping the load (100k, 1M, 10M, 100M, 1000M) the waveforms look like ...
Hyp's user avatar
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Is my thinking of half wave voltage Tripler Circuit right?

Is my thinking of half wave voltage Tripler Circuit right?because my thinking is a little bit different from the book's Book Let the input is a sine wave with amplitude \$=V_m\$ 1.When input is the ...
tester_ga's user avatar
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How to 3x or 4x a DC voltage while minimizing board space with no microcontroller?

I have a 3.7V DC voltage source that I'd like to boost to at least 10 Volts. I've been using Microchip's TC7660 component as a voltage doubler. But it only comes in SOIC (rather large for SMT). And ...
nick carraway's user avatar
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Discrepancy between simulation and measurement for a voltage doubler/ rectifier design at 5.8 GHz

I am designing a pretty straight-forward voltage doubler at 5.8 GHz with MACOM's MA4E1317 diode, which I have used before and know from previous experience that matches pretty well with the spice ...
user3602697's user avatar
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Voltage Doubler Circuit

I currently have a 25 stage voltage doubler circuit I am using 50 0.1 uF x2 suppression capacitors, 50 1N4007 Diodes, and a 20 Mohm current limiting resistors at the final emitter stage. I am using ...
presish's user avatar
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How to select caps for voltage doubler at RF frequency for DC current output?

High-frequency AC transformer output hooked to half-wave DC voltage doubler. Current through is 6 A to LOW frequency switching load. I assumed there was enough 20 kHz time to keep the second cap ...
Russ's user avatar
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Circuit design options for 58V lithium battery charger

I have an Echo 58 volt chainsaw and the battery charger has malfunctioned so that it no longer charges the battery pack. I have been charging it by using a 2A current limited lab power supply set to ...
PStechPaul's user avatar
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Voltage doubler operation

I searched the voltage doubler circuit and I understoond how it should operate but I don't understand something. simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab This is a voltage ...
Helena Wells's user avatar
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Thin film capacitor for voltage multiplier

I am designing a voltage multiplier with 5 to 10 stages. I have this circuit where I run a transformer at 450KHz and feed the output to the voltage multiplier. Is it a good idea to use thin film ...
Deadpool's user avatar
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Capacitors for Jacobs ladder?

Can I use 104 k 250v ceramic capacitors in a Jacobs ladder circuit? Do I need to use higher rated ones? I'm salvaging some of my components from a used CFL.
Chris Manning's user avatar
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(Heterogeneous) Chargepump questions

Updated to have organized schematic below, as was suggested. Keeping the original in case of.. simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab I am trying to build a chargepump, ...
DariusJoe's user avatar