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Watchdog timer circuit without continual re-trigger

The STWD100 is a watchdog timer, if a pulse from a microprocessor isn't received in X amount of time, it pulls it's output low. This is useful to detect if a processor has experienced an upset (...
Voltage Spike's user avatar
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Resettable timer with opamp

I need to make a circuit with an opamp and passive components that has those constraints : When it receives a pulse on one input, its output should be high. After a predefined duration T, it should ...
charon25's user avatar
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IoT wireless solenoid circuit

I am a Newbie and I do not have a lot of expirience. The circuit has been put together from pieces I have found on the internet. My goal is to develop a reliable wireless solenoid circuit to water my ...
Cage's user avatar
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What's the name of a timeout relay which won't re-trigger if it times out?

I would like to replace the relay which triggers a water pump, with a relay which times out after, say, 10 minutes. And if it times out, it stays locked out until reset. Needs to be 230v AC on both ...
digitaltoast's user avatar
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Is it possible to implement a fail-proof watchdog timer in software?

I want to add a piece of code for watchdog timer within my source code so that the board resets automatically when programs hangs. I am using Mediatek Linkit One board.
HWDesigner's user avatar
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AVR Watchdog interrupt mode and reset mode

I am going through datasheet of AVR2560V. In page 65 , table 12-1, it says that AVR2560 has 3 mode for watchdog Interrupt mode - WDE = 0, WDIE = 1 ...
srj0408's user avatar
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Understanding PIC32 watchdog timer operation

I'm new to uC development and have been fooling around with the PIC series for about 6 months now. I recently started working with the PIC32 and Microchip's XC32 C++ compiler. I don't know if I have a ...
Jacob Calvert's user avatar
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How to use watchdog timer in ATmega128

I am working with an ATmega128 and need to reset the microcontroller after some 10 seconds has passed and the user has not interacted with microcontroller. As an example when the user has not pressed ...
Sanju's user avatar
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PIC: Watchdog timer off by a factor of 4

I have a PIC16 (datasheet here) for which I use the watchdog timer. I configure the watchdog timer as follows: WDTCONbits.WDTPS = 0b01110; According to page 105 ...
Randomblue's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Which of these approaches for a watchdog timer?

I recently learned about watchdog timers, and am trying to implement one for my circuit for the purpose of resetting my (AVR) microcontroller if it hangs (i.e., doesn't respond to the watchdog). ...
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