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Is 128KHz oscillator in ATmega same as Watch Dog Oscillator?

Where is the 128KHz oscillator located in ATmega328p? I am unable to find it on the ATmel data sheet ,Is it same as watch dog timer Oscillator? I am attaching the clock section from the ATmel ...
Rahul.In's user avatar
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atmega328p watchdog keeps restarting

I have AVR Atmega328p which I want to blink for 5 secs every 16 secs (to test the watchdog interrupts). I have the following code, which keeps restarting, and the last line is: ...
gabi's user avatar
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Atmega328P Watch Dog Timer - Delay Issue

I am trying to give delay of 0.5 seconds on 13 pin of the arduino using Watch Dog timer interrupt, the code complies and works fine but the led is blinking so rapidly that it seems like it is ...
Mayank Pal's user avatar