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Questions tagged [watchdog]

An independent timer module usually incorporated into the same chip as a uProcessor which resets the processor after a certain length of time. The idea is that during usual operation the code running should always be able to reset the watchdog timer before the watchdog resets the processor. If the processor gets into a bad state or the code is corrupted it will not reset the watchdog and in turn will be reset back to normal operation.

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3 answers

How to test a CPU watchdog on board?

The watchdog of an ATMEL ATXMega128 should have been enabled with fuses. It triggers a reset, if the timer was not reset within the configured time span. I want to be sure, that it is enabled and ...
Jonas Stein's user avatar
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External Watchdog Timer

I am using TPL5010 watchdog timer's RSTn pulse to trigger 555 timer in monostable mode with 10 sec pulse width in order to turn ON relay using transistor ...
ARYA1992's user avatar
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MSP430FR6989 Watch Dog Timer

I am trying to learning about the Watch Dog Timer peripheral of MSP430FR6989 (link to MSP430). It's Watch Dog Timer peripheral WDT_A have a 16 bit control register (WDTCTL), in order to perform a ...
Embedded_Dude's user avatar
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Looking for external watchdog chip for Raspberry Pi 3 model B board

I'm working on a project that has chosen an RPi3 model B board as part of the system. We previously had an external watchdog system that would cut the entire system power if the watchdog expired. ...
SeanLabs's user avatar
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4 answers

Arduino watchdog with 555 Timer and a MOSFET

I want to protect an Arduino from stop running using a 555 timer. I saw some projects that use the Arduino RESET pin to do that but there are cases that my Arduino project still stop working even when ...
Victor Santos's user avatar
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Reading part number

Can someone please guide me reading the part number? The screenshots are from a datasheet of a watchdog (STWD100). I don't know how to relate these two..
Rakesh Mehta's user avatar
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How to change PIC watch dog expiration duration in run time?

In one of my application using PIC18F25K20, I set the Watchdog Timer Postscale Select bits as following for the CONFIG2H register at the beginning of the c code under configuration bits. pragma config ...
user101095's user avatar
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Extend the time delay of an asserted WDT active low

I am new to electronics and would appreciate any help. I am trying to design a watchdog timer circuit using the TI WDT (mfg part # TPS3813K33DBVT). I am using it to reset an Arduino (I wish to use an ...
Kurtle's user avatar
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1 answer

Why am I getting the error: "`WDRT' was not declared in this scope" trying to turn of the WDT on my AVR?

I am clearing the Watchdog System Reset Flag on my ATMEGA168 after a WDT reset... ...using the code... MCUSR &= ~_BV(WDRT); ...but the compiler complains... ...
bigjosh's user avatar
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How to reset microcontroller after X amount of hours/seconds? [closed]

I know there are similar posts to this I am just looking to see if there are any new more efficient solutions. I have a MCU and I am looking to add a circuit in between the power supply and the MCU ...
SChand's user avatar
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atmega328p watchdog keeps restarting

I have AVR Atmega328p which I want to blink for 5 secs every 16 secs (to test the watchdog interrupts). I have the following code, which keeps restarting, and the last line is: ...
gabi's user avatar
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using exit(EXIT_SUCCESS) or exit(EXIT_FAILURE) in AVR or any other microcontroller

How does one use exit(EXIT_SUCCESS) or exit(EXIT_FAILURE) in microcontroller C programming. I know it works on application ...
Abel Tom's user avatar
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3 answers

How to stop/reset the watchdog timer from low-power sleep mode on an STM32L0C8?

On an STM32L0C8 MCU, I have the watchdog enabled while executing. At certain points in execution, I would like the chip to go into low power sleep mode. When it goes into low-power sleep mode though, ...
Omnomnious's user avatar
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Patterns for using watchdog and ultra low-power constraints

I am designing a power-constrained device that has to gather some data, run from a battery for a couple of years and send data periodically. I want to ensure high reliability, because the device will ...
filo's user avatar
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Using external watchdog with NXP MK64 CPU

I'm using external watchdog timer in my board to reset the MK64 in case no strobe is passed to it (I know there's also internal watchdog in the MK64). What I don't understand is what should happen ...'s user avatar
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0 answers

Watchdog timer on PLC

I've currently set my PLC as a Modbus server, and written some Python code which connects to it and acts as a Modbus client. I am having some problems with the Modbus server sometimes terminating the ...
Carlton Banks's user avatar
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Recovering from run time errors on stm32l0

I have the independent watch dog running and I get rare resets for unknown reasons. How can I catch these errors and do a controlled reset. I want to store some things in EEPROM and then restart the ...
Flying Swissman's user avatar
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Watchdog to stop power supply

I want to stop supplying power for a short moment if a watchdog has not received a reset order for a while. Shutting down power is important as this is the only way for some buggy device to function ...
user1707414's user avatar
2 votes
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Atmega328P Watch Dog Timer - Delay Issue

I am trying to give delay of 0.5 seconds on 13 pin of the arduino using Watch Dog timer interrupt, the code complies and works fine but the led is blinking so rapidly that it seems like it is ...
Mayank Pal's user avatar
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Turning-off Watchdog Timer

Under severe power constraints I'm considering disabling the watchdog.The MCU is to work as a stepper motor controller in a watch and drive a simple bar display too. What can the consequences be? (...
Soorya Segaran's user avatar
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STM32F4: WWDG interrupt fires as soon as it's enabled

I'm doing some coding on an STM32F411 board, used the CubeMX & HAL Libraries for laziness. I'm trying to get the windowed watchdog (WWDG) up & running, and doing the very basic version (non ...
John U's user avatar
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2 answers

Does the internal 8Mhz oscillator in an ATTINY run even if no clocks are connected to it?

If I set up the fuses on an ATTINY so that the system clock uses the internal 128Khz oscillator (sometimes called the "Watchdog oscillator"), does the internal 8Mhz oscillator still run? It does not ...
bigjosh's user avatar
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How to controll windowed watchdog (WWDG) with dynamically scaling CPU frequencies?

I have a project using ARM Cortex M4 with scaling CPU frequencies dependent on the workload. I would like to use the WWDG because it allows a lot more options like interrupt on watchdog. Question is: ...
morynicz's user avatar
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Using Energia, how do I get around disableWatchDog() locking up my program?

Below is a short code chunk. The code locks up on the 'Serial.Begin(9600);' line. Can anybody tell me why? Also, can you tell me how to get around it? ...
Curtis's user avatar
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Detecting hardware watchdog reboot on bootup

The CPU on my embedded linux system (Armada 370) does have a hardware watchdog. It does not appear to have any way of checking at bootup time whether the bootup is a normal cold boot or a reset from ...
SeanLabs's user avatar
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2 answers

Windowed watchdog timer

Can someone please explain how windowed watchdog timer is different from the normal watchdog timer? When is windowed watchdog timer prefferred over normal watchdog timer?
xyz101's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to implement a fail-proof watchdog timer in software?

I want to add a piece of code for watchdog timer within my source code so that the board resets automatically when programs hangs. I am using Mediatek Linkit One board.
HWDesigner's user avatar
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AC Watchdog Circuit

I've designed a small AC-based watchdog circuit for my Raspberry Pi (schematic below). A buddy of mine looked at it and said that it was complicated, and there might be problems with asymmetric ...
rkrten's user avatar
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AVR Watchdog interrupt mode and reset mode

I am going through datasheet of AVR2560V. In page 65 , table 12-1, it says that AVR2560 has 3 mode for watchdog Interrupt mode - WDE = 0, WDIE = 1 ...
srj0408's user avatar
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How do I wake from sleep on PIC10F200 via watchdog?

So far I have worked with many other micro controllers but not the PIC-family. I'm having trouble with waking from sleep via watchdog on a PIC10F200. I'm programming it in C using the MPLAB X IDE v2....
con-f-use's user avatar
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4 answers

Read AVR watchdog timer

AVR Watchdog timers. Is there any way to read the watchdog timer from within the code? Intended use case: To get an approximate idea (very rough, +/- 1sec) of how long it has been since the ...
user2702772's user avatar
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Understanding PIC32 watchdog timer operation

I'm new to uC development and have been fooling around with the PIC series for about 6 months now. I recently started working with the PIC32 and Microchip's XC32 C++ compiler. I don't know if I have a ...
Jacob Calvert's user avatar
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MSP430G2553 WDT ISR compilation error - GNU v4.9.1

I'm using GNU v4.9.1 compiler, and I'm just trying to work with WDT timer: void __attribute__((interrupt(WDT_VECTOR))) WDT_ISR(void) { P2OUT ^= BIT1; } When ...
Rainy's user avatar
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Why does my AVR reset when I call wdt_disable() to try to turn the watchdog timer off?

I am having a problem where executing a disable watchdog sequence on an AVR ATtiny84A is actually resetting the chip even though the timer should have plenty of time left on it. This happens ...
bigjosh's user avatar
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Low power strategy for dealing with spontainious bit flips durring sleep on AVR 8-bit?

I am designing a ATTINY-based circuit that is intended to run unattended for very long periods of time on a very small battery. The device spends almost all of its time in deep sleep, and only wakes ...
bigjosh's user avatar
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4 answers

How often do AVR's actually glitch and need a watch-dog reset in the real-world?

Have you ever seen an otherwise happy AVR spontaneously glitch and require a reset? Assuming: a nice stead power supply that stays inside the specified range a correctly sized decoupling cap ...
bigjosh's user avatar
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How do I avoid a reset when using the watchdog in interrupt mode and changing the timeout?

I'm writing a program for an ATtiny85. I want to use the watchdog to wake up from power down in certain intervals. It all works fine as long as the intervals for a watch dog event don't change within ...
con-f-use's user avatar
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Detect a missing PWM signal in the smallest possible board space

I have a motor control board that basically has zero space left, and the customer wants to add a fault flag to tell if their 2 kHz PWM input signal is lost. So basically, I need to detect a lack of ...
Chriszuma's user avatar
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Program aborts after ISR

First I am new to this and I signed in to get some help on this problem I have been having. I have done so much googling to figure this problem out and with no luck. I am trying to capture humidity ...
Jimmy Mejia's user avatar
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Which is better after rewriting the ROM on a PIC16F? A software reset instruction or a watchdog reset

I am working on a project where the uP can be calibrate at any time. The new calibrated values are stored in the uPs ROM. After the calibration is complete, I have to reset the uP such that the ...
Reemahs's user avatar
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5 answers

Independent watchdog (IWDG) or Window watchdog (WWDG)?

I'm still searching to find an answer for this question: Since the STM32 MCUs already have a perfect watchdog (I mean the Window watchdog (WWDG)), why is there also a simple watchdog (Independent ...
Roh's user avatar
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Correct ways for implementing standard inbuilt watch dog timers

I'm bit new with using applications that use watch dog timers and i'm up to use one for the first time. I'm using pic18f26j50 and it got an internal watch dog timer which got a limit from 2ms and can ...
Rookie91's user avatar
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PIC32 sleep mode with watchdog wakeup failing

I am in the process of trying to get a PIC32MX795F512L to run with lower power consumption. I'm trying to get it to enter sleep mode and then be woken by the watchdog timer. All pretty standard ...
Majenko's user avatar
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Why am I receiving a Modem Status (0x8A) on broadcast messages (XBee)?

I am sending a Remote AT Command Request in broadcast (without ACK - frameID = 0x00), from my Coordinator API, to set the CB command to 1: this simulate 1 commissioning button press in software of the ...
Renato Pereira's user avatar
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Watchdog timer issue - AVR ATmega324PA

I was using ATmega32A before and now I am migrating to ATmega324PA just to enhance power management. Now I am testing the new controller in every aspect. This is a simple code to check the watchdog ...
gzix's user avatar
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A watchdog-controlled power cycle

I would like to use a watchdog timer as a way to do a proper power cycle in last resort, that is: power down for 1 second, then power up. I have come up with the following design: The watchdog used ...
tfjgeorge's user avatar
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Using both watchdog timers in PIC

I want to use both the conventional WDT and deep sleep WDT. I will be using WDT to prevent any code lock cases if any. And the other after entering deep sleep mode to wake up periodically in deep ...
Rookie91's user avatar
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Watchdog timer not being called in sleep mode

On an ATMega328p, I'm trying to setup a program that counts 1 second intervals via the watchdog timer, even when the chip is in sleep mode. A button interrupt puts the chip into sleep mode. The ...
Adam Haile's user avatar
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Reporting crashes/resets in Embedded Systems(8 bit)

I'm using PIC controllers, and I have used watch dog timers to trigger a reset in case of the s/w gets stuck somewhere, and also to support in case of severe hardware crashes. I think that resetting ...
Rookie91's user avatar
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External watchdog reset for AVR required

I had a circuit with ATmega644PA and use internal watchdog timer to bring the controller from a hang state to known by a reset. but my code still hangs in some loop ...
dmSherazi's user avatar
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