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Questions tagged [watchdog]

An independent timer module usually incorporated into the same chip as a uProcessor which resets the processor after a certain length of time. The idea is that during usual operation the code running should always be able to reset the watchdog timer before the watchdog resets the processor. If the processor gets into a bad state or the code is corrupted it will not reset the watchdog and in turn will be reset back to normal operation.

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2 votes
3 answers

ESP32 Freezing Due to Contactor Noise

I'm working on a temperature controller circuit that uses an ESP32 to activate a relay based on temperature readings from sensors. This relay, in turn, controls a contactor. I've encountered an issue ...
1 vote
1 answer

ADM8318 hardware watchdog timer

Implementing a hardware watchdog in my application and not getting the expected result. I am using the ADM8318WCY from Analog Devices which has a typical reset timeout of 200ms, and a typical watchdog ...
3 votes
2 answers

How is a watchdog timer and the main loop related?

This is what I understand: There is a main loop in the code who's time of execution is say, n ms. Now, the developer needs to configure the watchdog timer for such a time m ms where m < n. This ...
2 votes
2 answers

Square wave detector for safety circuit

I am trying to make a circuit that is similar to a watchdog circuit so if a processor locks up the line will go low if the incoming line is 'stuck' high or low. I started with a rectifier that is ...
0 votes
2 answers

Watchdog timer circuit without continual re-trigger

The STWD100 is a watchdog timer, if a pulse from a microprocessor isn't received in X amount of time, it pulls it's output low. This is useful to detect if a processor has experienced an upset (...
3 votes
1 answer

How to burn bootloader to ATmega 2560 using Atmel Studio and AVRISP mkII?

Although my question might come familiar to many Arduino developer including me, but, I am somehow lost burning bootloader to ATmega 2560. Many comments I found were related to AVRDude (never used ...
0 votes
1 answer

Watchdog Timer doesn't play with input via Serial Monitor

I uploaded this very simple sketch to my Arduino Nano Every to isolate a problem I have. ...
3 votes
3 answers

How to test a CPU watchdog on board?

The watchdog of an ATMEL ATXMega128 should have been enabled with fuses. It triggers a reset, if the timer was not reset within the configured time span. I want to be sure, that it is enabled and ...
1 vote
1 answer

Easy way to delay watchdog POR, but ensure that one line is instantly pulled into reset

We have a CPU, and then several IO expanders. When the watchdog timer expires, we need the IO expanders to go into reset (inputs) instantly, otherwise bad things will happen if they stay configured as ...
19 votes
5 answers

Independent watchdog (IWDG) or Window watchdog (WWDG)?

I'm still searching to find an answer for this question: Since the STM32 MCUs already have a perfect watchdog (I mean the Window watchdog (WWDG)), why is there also a simple watchdog (Independent ...
0 votes
1 answer

STM32F405: WWDG interrupt occurs right after WWDG enabling

I've faced the problem with WWDG on STM32F405 (the same problem described here, but with no no solution): After enabling WWDG interrupt occurs immediately, despite the fact, that counter is far from ...
4 votes
2 answers

STM32F4: WWDG interrupt fires as soon as it's enabled

I'm doing some coding on an STM32F411 board, used the CubeMX & HAL Libraries for laziness. I'm trying to get the windowed watchdog (WWDG) up & running, and doing the very basic version (non ...
20 votes
3 answers

Use AVR watchdog like normal ISR

I'm trying to wrap my head around the watchdog timer on the ATtinyX5 series. Things I've read made it seem like you could use it for making the program do something specific ever N seconds, but never ...
0 votes
0 answers

What type of components would be used to make a reliable multistage watchdog?

The following is an example of a multistage watchdog from Wikipedia:- These days, there are watchdog chips like the Texas Instruments TPS3823 in the linked article that would serve for Timer Stage 1. ...
39 votes
1 answer

Why does my AVR reset when I call wdt_disable() to try to turn the watchdog timer off?

I am having a problem where executing a disable watchdog sequence on an AVR ATtiny84A is actually resetting the chip even though the timer should have plenty of time left on it. This happens ...
1 vote
3 answers

How to stop/reset the watchdog timer from low-power sleep mode on an STM32L0C8?

On an STM32L0C8 MCU, I have the watchdog enabled while executing. At certain points in execution, I would like the chip to go into low power sleep mode. When it goes into low-power sleep mode though, ...
0 votes
2 answers

Using external watchdog IC with microcontroller (in this case PIC) - preventing a reset occuring during programming

I am considering options to make a small circuit used with ventilation (so fitted into a ceiling) have a watchdog timer. It is not life or safety critical, but it would be inconvenient (but not ...
1 vote
3 answers

ESP-WROOM-32 resets when I load a page from my cellphone's Chrome app but not when I load the web app from Chrome on my PC

I'm having a problem with my ESP-WROOM-32. I have a web app that worked fine in my mobile phone until a page with contact information was added. This contact information page has 7 images in .png ...
0 votes
1 answer

Initialize IWDG with two difference handles

I am implementing a watchdog in my project, where i am using a IWDG in STM32F4 series controller. I am trying to initialize the watchdog twice with different handles, since it is implemented in two ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to get an ARM M0+ controller to retain it's last executed instruction after reboot?

I want to give my application a capability under which, in case of power off, the system retains last executed instruction and once the power is turned on again it RESUMES the program sequence. Is ...
0 votes
1 answer

What happens if malloc() fails in a microcontroller?

What happens if malloc() fails in a microcontroller (e.g., due to not enough data memory freed)? Does the watchdog timer triggers a timeout response (e.g., reboot) ...
2 votes
1 answer

Unbrick my ATmega 8

It looks like I've bricked my chip (ATMEGA8-16PU) by setting the WTDON fuse and flashing an empty loop as the main program. I suspect that the chip constantly goes into reboot every ~60 ms, which is ...
1 vote
0 answers

Watchdog timer on PLC

I've currently set my PLC as a Modbus server, and written some Python code which connects to it and acts as a Modbus client. I am having some problems with the Modbus server sometimes terminating the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Hardware Watchdog Circuit Oscillating Input Equals Voltage High Output

I would like to know if it is possible to design a circuit which requires a single input oscillating between voltage high and voltage low for its output to be voltage high? If oscillation is not ...
2 votes
0 answers

Not able to flash MCU because of external watchdog

I am using the TPS3813K33MDBVREP watchdog on a PCB with a STM32 MCU. It is connected like the example in the datasheet. I can't program the MCU with a debug cable because the MCU gets reset from the ...
1 vote
2 answers

Is there any MPU where the watchdog has its own clock?

Forgive me for sort of meandering towards the question. I feel that all is pertinent, so please don't "improve" my question by removing all of its "flavor"! I was lamenting over ...
3 votes
1 answer

What is logic contention when using a voltage supervisor?

I am using a voltage supervisor from MAXIAM (MAX6734A).I am confused about design notes in page 11. So, what is logic contention? The uP that I want to monitor is STM32F103ZET6. I read its datasheet: ...
0 votes
0 answers

Hardware watchdog for my ESP32 Board - circuit and design suggestion

i've made my custom board based on LM2596, LM1117, ESP32 with ethernet based on LAN8720. This works without any issue but i want to prevent any type of software issues/hangs using an external watchdog ...
0 votes
1 answer

Arduino Watchdog Power Cycle Circuit

I'm looking at building a watchdog that will power cycle my arduino (weather station) when it is not responding (my arduino gets a CMOS lockup and doesn't respond to reset). I've read about designs ...
3 votes
2 answers

How do I avoid a reset when using the watchdog in interrupt mode and changing the timeout?

I'm writing a program for an ATtiny85. I want to use the watchdog to wake up from power down in certain intervals. It all works fine as long as the intervals for a watch dog event don't change within ...
2 votes
4 answers

Resettable timer with opamp

I need to make a circuit with an opamp and passive components that has those constraints : When it receives a pulse on one input, its output should be high. After a predefined duration T, it should ...
0 votes
2 answers

STM32L0 IWDG > 32s

I need to implement a feature similar to that provided by the IWDG on the STM32L073RZ. The issue I'm facing is that the maximum timeout value of the IWDG is ~ 32 seconds - I need something that can ...
-1 votes
1 answer

What IC is marked WDG273?

I want to buy this USB watchdog V5.0 in order to restart my computer in case the PC hangs. As I'm an electronic designer, I was checking the hardware and when I saw the main IC reference, I said: &...
1 vote
0 answers

What options are there for a slow hardware watchdog monitoring an embedded HTTP client?

I'm trying to build a server health monitoring device around an ESP8266 module. The module will contain an embedded HTTP client that will contact a set of servers to check their responsiveness. The ...
3 votes
2 answers

Using a watchdog in low power application?

Most low-power applications operate in burst mode, where the system is asleep most of the time. I don't understand how to use a watchdog (WD) in those kinds of systems. The perfect scenario would be ...
0 votes
0 answers

Supervisory watchdog to assure UV LEDs are off and stay off during non-use

I'm designing a circuit consisting of 3 pairs of LEDs. Each pair has one UV-LED and a white LED. The pairs will be turned on consecutively and for about 1 second each. Between each use there will be ...
0 votes
1 answer

Use attiny as an external watchout timer

I like to failsafe an Atmega8 mcu despite having its own WDT. does it make sense that if I add an attiny to the circuit to check if each loop is taking a specific time, if not reset the Atmega chip?
1 vote
2 answers

ATmega48PB: wdt in interrupt mode still reset the MCU

I read the datasheet and this question, but there's still something wrong here. Here my wdt init code: ...
0 votes
1 answer

Continuous Reset generated by LDO to Microcontroller

I have the below schematic Datasheet of the LDO - L4995 -SSO24 package LDO Specification : Input Voltage : 12-16V Output Voltage : 5V Load Current : 100mA Issue : My LDO is generating RESET ...
0 votes
1 answer

STM32 external voltage monitor / watchdog - worth it?

I'm building a device that will have STM32F750, and now thinking about stability in case if power or software will misbehave. As per topic - is it worth it to have an external voltage monitor and ...
0 votes
1 answer

STM32F4 Independent Watchdog (IWDG) not triggering as expected

Im trying to understand how Independent watchdog really works and i wrote a piece of code that runs on STM32F411VE Eval board. I believe i have configured the Watchdog Timer correctly according to ...
3 votes
1 answer

Keyed access in PIC config settings for the WWDT

I'm playing around with the settings for the windowed watch dog timer (WWDT) for the PIC18F24K40. In chapter 3.7.3 (page 37) about device configuration, the DT Window Select bits are briefly ...
0 votes
2 answers

PIC: Watchdog timer off by a factor of 4

I have a PIC16 (datasheet here) for which I use the watchdog timer. I configure the watchdog timer as follows: WDTCONbits.WDTPS = 0b01110; According to page 105 ...
1 vote
3 answers

5V digital output to 24V

I need to come up with something to convert a 5V digital output signal from a USB-1608G DAQ device with DIO to 24V digital output signal to reset the timer on a watchdog. The watchdog timer will only ...
0 votes
1 answer

AVR ATtiny1634 - PB3 as Input and Watchdog Timer

I'm quite a beginner in AVRs and this is my first project soldering the microcontroller and programming it on board. I know the ATtiny1634 QFN might not me the best micro for a beginner, but ...
2 votes
2 answers

Can the watchdog on an STM32F373 trigger a reset while the RESET pin is held high?

The reset pin on an STM32 chip is being pulled high by a Raspberry Pi Zero W in the field via GPIO pin BCM 17. Will the watchdog on the STM32 be capable of triggering a reset while the pin is being ...
0 votes
0 answers

Connection diagram of external WatchDog timer MAX6369KA+T and Arduino

Tasks: Ensure a reliable reboot of the microcontroller in case of a hang. The ability to disable the WDT timer. For these purposes, I found an external watchdog timer MAX6369KA+T. Scheme: Logic: ...
0 votes
1 answer

How should a watchdog timer be used? [closed]

I've seen and written programs in which the internal watchdog just resets in a super loop and trigers only when something goes wrong and forces the whole system to crash. I've also seen it can be ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to enable PIC16 watchdog timer for software control?

I am working on a project where I have an I2C slave application running on a PIC16F1829. I am finding that because the ISR must read the slave address, wait for a new byte, then read that byte, that ...
0 votes
2 answers

Watchdog with long on and off periods for microcontroller [closed]

I have a microcontroller (Arduino-like IoT device) and would like to connect a low power external hardware watchdog to be able to recover from failures. I know that a software watchdog is already ...