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5 votes
2 answers

Why is my multimeter not measuring current?

I'm doing a little bit of experimentation with a glass of water and a 9 V battery. I added a little bit of salt to the water, and I measure the resistance in the water from probe to probe to be ~60 kΩ....
Outis Nemo's user avatar
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Ho can I light number of LEDs based on current flowing through circuit [closed]

I am trying to create a water tank level indicator which will have 2 wires going into tank one with resistors attached at increment levels and one simple wire. Is it possible to light up number of ...
gagan deep's user avatar
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Water as a conductor and bubbles

I tried putting two extremities of a 6 volts battery into water. With salty water, bubbles appear close to the positive end. With unsalted water, what looks like a thin white foam starts to squirt ...
Dakatine's user avatar
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Resistor for maximum water electrolysis

I've partaken in an experiment where I am looking to create the most efficient way to conduct water electrolysis. My only need is that I don't trip a breaker. I will be running at 120vac, and likely ...
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