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1 answer

The reason behind LEDS getting dim (Water level indicator using ULN 2003) [closed]

** Whenever I switch on the circuit, the LEDs glow fully for a second and gets off. After 2-3 seconds they start glowing slowly. What might be the reason for the above?
Rafi Md.'s user avatar
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2 answers

Turn off LED when submerged in water

I want to do a simple project where an LED turns off when it is submerged in water. I thought this would be simple because when you short the two leads of an LED with wire, it just shorts the power ...
DragonflyRobotics's user avatar
-1 votes
6 answers

Water level indicator LEDs one by one

I want to make a water level indicator but, instead of all LEDs lighting at 100% (for example) I want the top one only to light and the rest turn off at 0% all LEDs off at 25% the first LED on at 50% ...
Seif_1999's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Ho can I light number of LEDs based on current flowing through circuit [closed]

I am trying to create a water tank level indicator which will have 2 wires going into tank one with resistors attached at increment levels and one simple wire. Is it possible to light up number of ...
gagan deep's user avatar
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1 answer

Doubts in providing power to an LED

I am making a project on water level indicator. I've completed the circuit like this: The circuit is closed through the water. The problem is even before switching on the circuit, and with terminals ...
sumathi prasad's user avatar
2 votes
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Need a simple buzzer/LED circuit for espresso machine [duplicate]

I have an espresso machine that I tore down, reassembled with fewer components then modified it to fit a specific setup -- kind of DIY project. The machine has an autofill circuit. After I removed ...
user1824971's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Buzzer is not working

I am extremely new to electronics and stuff, I was trying to design a water level indicator. In Proteus, all the LED indications are working perfectly, but for some reason my buzzer won't work.
Danial Ahmed's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Turn on LED when an electrode or contact is submerged in saltwater

this is my first post here, thanks in advance for any help you can render. I am working on a project that turns on one 5mm white LED running on a 3.7v lipo battery when it comes in contact with ...
user15302's user avatar