- How do you determine how many sensors a microcontroller can use? 
- My understand is you cant embed C# directly on any microcontroller but you can use C# and communicate over the USB and look for a specific port is this true?

In my case i've narrowed down to the three following microcontrollers:

- Arduino
- Netdurino

This is what I'm trying to do as a first project and of course, this might not be an easy project. 

I want to be able to hook up a thermometer and when the degrees get +-3 of a base temperature open or close a prop window.  Also, I want to be able to store the thermoeter information on a Mysql Database.

So basically if the base temperature is 80, when the temperature is greater than 83 I want to push open the window.  And if its 77 I want to close the window.

Im not to interested in the exact mechanism that opens and close the windows just how to send the signals to open or close it.