1. [Here][1] you can find an excellent answer for how to draw a good schematic.

2. What you are trying to do is called "high-side switching" and good answer / explanation can be found in [this][2] answer.

3. Your Zener diode has no current limiting element and it might blow. As you can see [here][3] the differential resistance of the zener diode is very low after reaching the zener voltage. With no current limiting element (resistor) the current through the zener get very high and it might blow. A zener voltage regulator is usually designed like [this][4]. Be careful, a zener voltage regulator has usually a quit low output current as the load current is flowing through the zener resistor as well and the resulting voltage drop is cutting of your zener voltage for higher currents.

  [1]: https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/28251/rules-and-guidelines-for-drawing-good-schematics
  [2]: https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/95089/switching-9v-using-a-npn-transistor-and-an-arduino
  [3]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:V-a_characteristic_Zener_diode.svg
  [4]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zener_diode#/media/File:VoltageRegulator.png