I have an I2C device that I know the address is 0x70 (probed when connected to Raspberry Pi using i2cdetect -y 1). My issue is that the bytes I want to look at need to be called in WiringPi. The output string is seven bytes long and WiringPi looks at the device address and then looks at the byte address I want to read. 
<del>That being said, would the addressing look like:
<p>Device Addr.= 0x70:
   First Byte Addr.= 0x01
   First Byte Addr.=0x71
Does the address need a 'new' address identification (starting from 1) or does the address number get 'appended' (yes, I use that loosely) to the device address?
<p>New Information:
I found this documentation after sifting deeper:
<a href="https://www.sgxsensortech.com/content/uploads/2016/07/Customer-upgrade-guide-MiCS-VZ89TD-to-MiCS-VZ89TE.pdf">Upgrade Guide</a>
and <a href="https://www.sgxsensortech.com/content/uploads/2017/03/I2C-Datasheet-MiCS-VZ-89TE-rev-H-ed170214-Read-Only.pdf">Short Communication Guide</a></p>
<p>It seems that from the upgrade sheet the slave's internal address for the address byte is <b>0xE0</b> for <i>write</i>. The command byte I want to use the command(#3.5): 0b000001100 (which I assume in hex is: <b>0x0C</b>). It then seems that the address byte for <i>read</i> is <b>0xE1</b>. From this point how would I read from the data bytes since their registers aren't explicitly shown (look at the Upgrade Guide)?</p>
<p>Here is my current code in WiringPi (C++):

    #include <iostream>
    #include <errno.h>
    #include <wiringPiI2C.h>
    using namespace std;
    #define SLAVE_ADDR 0x70
    #define DEV_ADDR_W 0XE0
    #define DEV_ADDR_R 0XE1
    int main(){
	    int fd,writeRes,comm_res,readRes;
	    cout<<"Initial Result: "<<fd<<endl;

	    for(int i=0;i<1;i++){
		    cout<<"Write to Address(write): "<<writeRes<<endl;
		    cout<<"Slave Command Acknowledge: "<<comm_res<<endl;
		    cout<<"Write to Recieve Data: "<<readRes<<endl;
		    int readD_1=wiringPiI2CReadReg8(fd,0x0D);
		    cout<<"Data 1, VOC= "<<readD_1<<endl;

	    return 0;