The other day i had my airconditioning repaired, and one thing i saw the technician do is braze the copper pipes together. This got me thinking why dont i see that done in electrical setting. 

I understand that soldering is not good because it is brittle and a short circuit can melt those connection out of their joints. But brazing temps are so high that if it does melt something else more important have already melted before it. I mean i dont think there are generic splicing kits (8 AWG or thinner) can handle brazing temps.

Taking it a step further, how about TIG welding? it basically melts the copper into a liquid state to join them for sure this makes a good connection, unpractical it may be. Just cover the welded part with heat shrink and voila ! a proper connection

Are there any electrical code (in your countries) that prohibits copper wire welding or brazing? I would see medium sizes wires can benifit from this (6-10 AWG maybe). Is it banned just because installers and technician cant do it propely consistently enough to be reliable?