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Removed broken link, couldn't figure out what it was supposed to be
Kevin Vermeer
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Has anyone done any work in this field?

Wireless data acquisition is quite common in many different industries. I am doing some work in industrial computing and am actually using both bluetooth and cellular data networks simultaneously in an embedded solution. Just google something along the lines of "Sensor Data Acquisition" and you can find a plethora of articles.

Can you give me any information on what works and what does not?

I could give you information on what worked and didn't work with my specific application - but beyond that I wouldn't be helpful. The problem is this question is incredibly vague and you would need to specify operational constraints, design specs, goals, etc in order for any of us to give you an idea of what you need to head. Luckily however I can kind of point you in the right direction.

You are doing something that has been done many different times and in many different ways - use that to your advantage. Before you design anything you need to explicitly record what you are trying to accomplish. From there you can start designing. Generally speaking this project is going to be broken up into generic parts:

Device Communication

How exactly does your device need to be communicated with? You need to understand what protocol it uses and the hardware needed to communicate with it. Once you can get data back from your device you have your foot in the door and are ready to go.

Data Transmission Once you have your data are you going to send it in raw form? This could be in binary, hex, octal, etc. Or are you going to put it into a nice parse-able XML format that separates sensors and registers into a logical grouping.

Data Viewing How are going to view this data? Are you going to just use a Bluetooth serial link and read off of it like a virtual serial port? Is there going to be an intermediary database? Etc.

Will the electrical fields from the motorcycle engine interfere with the Bluetooth data?

There is a good chance that the loud signals from the ignition,alternator and other noise generators could affect your device. But like we said above, this has been done before so there is tons of information out there on EMI shielding, EMI measurement techniques etc. Also, many different types of modular EMI enclosures exist to house your project.

In Conclusion

Figure out what you want your project to do and how you want it to perform. Don't be afraid to do some research, even if you don't know exactly what you are looking for. Here are some good starting points though:

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