(1) Get rid of that 10 ohm resistor in series with the boostrap cap. It's slowing down the refresh of your bootstrap cap. (2) Add decoupling capacitors between Vdd-GND (3) Increase the size of your boostrap cap to 1 or 10uF. You may still want to keep a 0.1uF in parallel with that for decoupling. (4) Your C3D04065A is major overkill. That doesn't ever see more than 15V. You could get away with a 1N4448 here if you wanted to. (5) **This part here is important:** Bootstrap capacitor high-side drivers cannot run on 100% duty cycle and require the floating drain terminal to be periodically pulled low to refresh the bootstrap cap. This is usually performed by turning on the low-side transistor in the half-bridge through regular operation...but you don't have that in your circuit, so you have a problem. You need to review what a bootstrap circuit actually does and re-design your circuit accordingly (it would involve too much changes to walk you through it as is without you deciding on the approach you want to take first). (6) IGBTs also sometimes require application of a slightly negative gate voltage relative to the drain, in order to actively drain the charge, for reliable turn-off (unlike a MOSFET).