I will be using the attached circuit diagram to build a Phono Cardio Gram (output of the attached circuit through a band pass filter and the microphone attached to a stethoscope). I need help understanding the functions of the various resistors and capacitors in the circuit. From reading this https://thephysicsportal.wordpress.com/2012/02/22/day-8-more-op-amp-circuits/
I believe that the opamp is used as a non inverting, integrating amplifier? I understand that the 1 M resistor is for nullifying the drifting D.C offset but is clueless about the resistors in series with the capacitor and the other capacitor -resistors combination at the non inverting input. Any help would be much appreciated.[![enter image description here][1]][1]

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/Yfz33.png