I've been trying to create a double layered PCB for a robotics project for a while now using Autodesk Fusion 360. It's going to be the control board for the project, containing an ESP32 together with some connectors, voltage regulators and sensors. And I've had a recurring issue that seems to pop up from time to time, and I am trying to understand what is going on, and how to fix it.
From time to time, when making a prototype export for my PCB, I get a message from the manufacturing company (switching between PCBWay and JLCPCB) saying that the trace width is zero/incorrect. Usually accompanied with a screenshot from what they see on their end, with **all** traces showing zero width, or an arbitrary maximum width. Both are obviously incorrect, but I failed to understand what I did wrong.

Things that I have tried:

 - Check for errors with CRC/ERC and solve them (only 7 accepted errors left, and those are unconnected GND pads for soldering/heat dissipation)
 - Check for weird bends/shapes in traces and clean them up
 - Used the Gerber export template provided by both JLCPCB and PCBWay (which can be found on their website)
 - Tried several custom export formats on my own, of which some worked from time to time (apparently when I left some layers out, it worked all of the sudden)
 - Check if I comply with manufacturer specifications (min hole side, trace width, trace spacing etc.)

So this PCB has had several versions that I could succesfully fabricate, and were completely fine. Then in a next iteration, I would get the same error again, and both JLCPCB and PCBWay could not let me know what was wrong (which is completely valid for the low price they ask for such low volume projects).

I was hoping that someone could help me understand and/or pinpoint a bit more what I am doing wrong, so that I can improve and prevent this from happening in the future.

Some images of the PCB, and what JLCPCB returned on the last image (zero trace width)
![Full PCB top side](https://www.tseflidis.nl/content/images/1.png)
![Close-up 1](https://www.tseflidis.nl/content/images/2.png)
![Close-up 2](https://www.tseflidis.nl/content/images/3.png)
![Close-up 3](https://www.tseflidis.nl/content/images/4.png)
![Close-up 4](https://www.tseflidis.nl/content/images/5.png)
![Returned version by manufacturer with zero trace width](https://www.tseflidis.nl/content/images/6.png)

Any help or advice is much appreciated!