I recommend performing an IBIS simulation in PSpice in four steps: **Step 1. Review the IBIS models.** Some models are well defined, others not so much. It's important to actually understand the limitations of the models before using them **Step 2. Convert IBIS models to PSpice.** You will need an '.lib' and '.OLB' to perform the simulation. The commercial version of PSpice has a converter but its models can be confusing to use and it's not available on the free PSpice for TI. I recommend using my free [IBIS to PSpice](https://emisleuth.com/Tools/IBIS-to-PSpice.html) converter tool because the models are easier to use. Improvements include: - Driver models have a weak pull up resistor to the ENABLE pin so the I/O driver model is enabled by default (no external circuit required). This pin can be pulled low to force the output into a high impedance state. - ENABLE pins are always assumed to be active-high. - Input models give a probe point at the die (where we actually care) and not just the pin. **Step 3. Setup PSpice Project** You need to link the library files to the simulation, and call out the models in the symbols. I recommend using relative 'INCLUDE' statements so you can zip the simulation and easily share the project with others. The built in library linker in PSpice almost always gives broken library links when you try to share. **Step 4. PSpice Schematic Creation and Simulation** The first three steps need to be followed for both the driver and the receiver. After that point, add a transmission line and any matching impedances between the driver and receiver. A complete schematic and simulation example are shown below. ![PSpice Schematic of SCK Channel with Matching](https://emisleuth.com/images/PSpice_Schematic_of_SCK_Channel_with_Matching.png) ![Simulated Output and Input Waveforms of SCK Channel with Matching](https://emisleuth.com/images/Simulated_Output_and_Input_Waveforms_of_SCK_Channel_with_Matching.png) For an even more detailed description (8 pages!) of the steps outlines above check out my article [How to Use IBIS Models in PSpice](https://emisleuth.com/Articles/How_to_Use_IBIS_Models_in_PSpice_5-15-2024.pdf).