I have voltronic inverter 3k fan stops with code 01 its mean fan need a replacement old fan in pic-01 its use [us62 ic][1] so i order new fan pic-02 and its not working first reason the cables reversed gnd and signal and pulse are normally measured by connecting the signal and gnd on old fan but on the new one it's not it can measure only by conneст signal and vcc also signal is reversed its use [LB11967V][2] driver on RD pin my question how can to reverse the signal and measure it with signal and gnd [![enter image description here][3]][3] pic-01 old fan [![enter image description here][4]][4] pic-02 new fan [![enter image description here][5]][5] pic-03 new fan board [1]: https://docs.rs-online.com/7a8c/0900766b80db75b7.pdf [2]: https://datasheetspdf.com/datasheet-pdf/540050/LB11967V.html [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/JcTaYJ2C.png [4]: https://i.sstatic.net/VYOAVyth.png [5]: https://i.sstatic.net/B7DYj1zu.png