I have been studying this for ATmega328, I first want to verify I am correct  in the following. And then I have question on page write and page erase.

1) ATmega328 has 32K byte flash = 16K words.   It is organized as 256Pages with 64Words/pages.

2) So you need 6 address bits for each page(64Words/page), You need 8 address bits to address 256Page.

3) For ATmega328, you don’t need RAMPZ register. Use Z(6..1) as WORD address within each page.   Use Z(14..7) as PAGE address. Z15 and Z0 NOT USED.

I have question about SPM instruction. It supposedly can write ONE WORD or ONE PAGE. It can ERASE ONE PAGE. I really don’t know how it works. I’ve been searching and I cannot find answer.

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

In the copy above. Can someone post a few lines of code(IN ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE) performing in each case above using SPM instruction? I just want to see the actual code how SPM in action, what is needed to set up to use the SPM instruction.

I have been searching around with no luck.

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/wse7J.jpg