When you say edge triggered it sort of implies a clock edge which causes the data to be sampled. But in your description you just describe two inputs which are triggered on the rising edge and ignore falling edges. This is a similar situation to MS-CMOS, where the capture latches are implemented using SR. In MS-CMOS, it is always guaranteed that ONE of the S or R signals will rise and fall; and the other will not. So an SR latch suffices. You also did not constrain whether after one signal rises, it will fall before the next. I will assume that this is not the case, and that if Signal1 rises and sets output to 1, and before Signal1 falls, Signal2 rises; that it should set the output to 0. I believe you are looking for a SR NOR latch, modified to toggle in the S=R=1 state. This is often called a JK flip flop or JK latch. Lets call J = S1 = "one input would, on rising edge, set the output to 1" Lets call K = S2 = "and the other input would, on rising edge, set the output to 0" Both J and R = 0 to begin. Output state is indeterminate. Then, J rises. This sets Q = 1. Next, J falls. The output stays 1. Next, K rises. The output is set to 0. Next, K falls. The output stays 0. Next, J rises. The output is set to 1. Next, K rises. The output is set to 0. (this is JK toggle state, if this won't happen just use NOR SR latch) Next, J falls. The output stays 0. Next, K falls. The output stays 0. ...