[![enter image description here][1]][1] [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/gQsny.jpg When the Vout is below ground it cannot bias the regulator to start up as the NPN's to ground are reverse biased. What can you do? - Consider the minimum load current 5mA and the idle current 10 mA max and use a pull-up on Vout to Vin+ that forces Gnd to be < Vout+ during V- startup. ( remember Gnd can be floating and just a 0V ref. at some point.) How? - - A Zener from Vin to Vout greater than the expected drop which overloads V- until V+ starts? **maybe** brute force method... - a CC regulator SMD 20mA chip from Vin to Vout? Not a good idea if the load is less than 20mA then it pulls the Vout higher since it is an emitter follower output. - Power management cct to ensure both are OK before enabled to IC. ( **too much trouble**) - A resistor divider that draws > 10mA from Vin to Vout and GND so the external voltage V- its pull-up ( more current ) from the V+ being off? **YES** - a simple idea may work but depends on dynamic current flow as V- starts up - compare with a LM317 ? maybe Idle current spec : *Vin ≤ 8V 5(typ) 10 mA (max)* Remember LDO's only source current and not sink. But if the output is reverse biased relative to GND **they cant source either** because the Gnd is a controlled current **sink**. Best bet - - get rid of the V- supply altogether and use Charge pump IC to generate V- from V+ only.