(1) Get rid of that 10 ohm resistor. It's slowing down the refresh of your bootstrap cap.

(2) Add decoupling capacitors between Vdd-GND

(3) Increase the size of your boostrap cap to 1 or 10uF. You may still want to keep a 0.1uF in parallel with that for decoupling.

(4) Your C3D04065A is major overkill. That doesn't ever see more than 15V. You could get away with a 1N4448 here if you wanted to.

(5) **This part here is important:** Bootstrap capacitor high-side drivers cannot run on 100% duty cycle and require the floating drain terminal to be periodically pulled low to refresh the bootstrap cap. This is usually performed by turning on the low-side MOSFET in the half-bridge through regular operation...but you don't have that in your circuit, so you have a problem.

(6) IGBTs also sometimes require a slightly negative gate voltage relative to the drain to be applied to the gate to turn it off to drain the charge for reliable turn-off (unlike a MOSFET).