I have the following block of code - 

    always @(posedge clk) begin
        if (reset) 
            oe_hold <= 1'b0;
        else begin
             oe_hold <= 1'b0;
             if (oe && (oe_hold | we)) 
                 oe_hold <= 1'b0;

In the above fragment, `oe` and `we` are driven using combinational logic. I'd expect that if oe_hold and `oe` are **high**, at clock edge 0 and `oe` goes low at t=1, then oe_hold would go low at t=2, since oe_hold is a register and should take on its input a cycle later.

However, in simulation, oe_hold behaves like a latch. It goes low at the same clock edge as oe. If I drive `oe` on the negative edge in the testbench, oe_hold goes low on the following clock edge (i.e., the same edge it went low were `oe` driven on the positive edge).

Can someone explain this behavior and tell me why it occurs?

Thank you.