Looking for help with a repair please to be able to advise a capacitor rating. I have a 13.5V 5W 21 x led strip. Each LED 70ma 2.2 forward voltage. Apart from that 1pc SOD 2pcs 1k resisitor and 47r x 21 Hopefully someone with more knowledge than could fit on a postage stamp (me) can offer a helping hand to work out suitable uF for this head scratcher Tried 16V 47uf and it shorted a LED at end of circuit. I feel old cap is breaking down as leds behind it in middle of board have shorted out more than once and are getting a slightly higher fv reading It's also pulling more current the longer it's illuminated ![enter image description here](https://i.sstatic.net/2Gk1c.jpg)![enter image description here](https://i.sstatic.net/t77zV.jpg)