The time for the capacitor to charge to 100% is infinity, however it can be considered for practical purposes charged when it reaches around 99 - 99.9% which will be 5 time constants

To calculate time constant (TC) use formula TC = R*C

Now usually you would have a resistor infront of the capacitor and this calculation would be easy. For 500 Ohms resistor calculation is 500*0.000001 = 0.0005 seconds for one time constant. Fully charged is 5 time constants so 0.0005seconds * 5 = 0.0025seconds fully charged.

In your case the only resistance is the wire. There will always be resistance. You could measure resistance of wire with multimeter or LCR meter.
It will be very small value maybe 0.001 ohms and that will be used for formula.

If you want calculation for ideal you may be saying zero resistance, then the formula wont work, and the charge time might be instant (impossible) therefore its not good to think about ideal, you must instead give the wire some value of resistance to have result based in reality.