Thanks Spehro Pefhany for your answer and the nice discussion! I just want to summerice the discussion and my additional research combined with some images and a C++ code file.

The lcd mentioned in the Question is an static drive display. It is not valid to apply a static dc field between the segment electrode and the common electrode! It will destroy the display. The best way to avoid that is to alternate the voltage on the common pin between ground and vcc. Every segment that is on, must have the oposite potential than the common pin (ex.: Common: Hight --> Segment: Low). Every segment that is off, must have the same potential then the common pin (ex.: Common: Hight --> Segment: Hight). Normally an lcd is driven with a frequency around 30-60Hz (higher is not a fault, it just consumes more power)  

For evaluation purpose I connected the common of the display to PA.0 of an ATTiny. In addition i connected two segments, one to PA.1 the other to PA.2:
[![LCD Test setup][1]][1]

I used a timer and the compare interrupt to trigger the io change operation. The following cpp File was used to alternate between two segments:

     * TryLCD.cpp
     * Created: 11.01.2020 12:49:58
     * Author : Ludwig Füchsl
     * Description: Evaluation code for driving an static lcd glass directly with an ATTiny
    // 8MHz internal oscillator
    #define F_CPU 8000000UL
    // Include atmel libs
    #include <avr/io.h>
    #include <avr/interrupt.h>
    #include <util/delay.h>
    // Bit for common high low
    bool bit = false;
    // Segment a desired value
    bool a = false;
    // Segment b desired value
    bool b = false;
    // Output compare match interrupt 
    	// Invert common every clock cycle to generate alternating field in lcd
    	bit = !bit;
    	// Set the current common state
    	if(bit)		PORTA |=  (1UL << 0);
    	else		PORTA &= ~(1UL << 0);
    	// Determinate segment a state via xor with common
    	if(bit ^ a) PORTA |=  (1UL << 1);
    	else		PORTA &= ~(1UL << 1);
    	// Determinate segment b state via xor with common
    	if(bit ^ b) PORTA |=  (1UL << 2);
    	else		PORTA &= ~(1UL << 2);
    // Main program
    int main(void){
        // == Setup IO ==
    	// Port A output
    	DDRA	= 0xFF;
    	// Port A all off
    	PORTA	= 0x00;
    	// == Setup Timer Meta ==
    	// Clear on compare
    	TCCR0A |=  (1UL << WGM01);
    	// Timer prescaler clk/128
    	TCCR0B |=  (1UL << CS02);
    	// Setup Time Interrupt
    	// Compare match A on 255
    	OCR0A = 0xFF;
    	// Compare match a A interrupt enable
    	TIMSK0 |= (1UL << OCIE0A);
    	// Interrupts on
    	// Setup default segment values
    	a = true;
    	b = false;
    	// Main loop
    	while (1) {
    		// Wait for 1s
    		// Invert a and b
    		a = !a;
    		b = !b;

Using my test setup and this code, i took some measurement with my scope. 
On Chanel 1 (yellow) is the common. On Chanel 2 (green) is segment A (In this case the segment is NOT lit). On Chanel 3 (orange) is segment B (In this case the segment is lit)
[![Scope measurement for lcd driving][2]][2]

Please note that if you are not using an static lcd (Multiple commons) the lcd needs to be multiplexed! This results in the need of more that two voltage levels! For more information please also read this document by microchip: [Application Notice 658][3]
