I am building a MCP2200 breakout circuit getting reference from the guide by Microchip itself [MCP2200 Breakout Board][1] and I tried with two MCP2200 ICs but it doesn't get detected by the PC. I salvaged a 12MHz Oscillator from an old Arduino Mega board using CH340G IC which didn't work for some reason. I checked out this post https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/321673/mcp2200-doesnt-work-everytime and tried to increase the capacitor values across the oscillator pins but still no luck. So my assumption is the oscillator is not working. Could it really be? As a crystal oscillator is a simple circuit as follows; [![enter image description here][2]][2] I tried measuring the voltage values across osc pins and they were 0.17 V. Could overheating with hot air damage the crystal? [1]: https://www.mouser.com/ds/2/268/52064A-254618.pdf [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/IBxDQ.png