[enter link description here][1][![enter image description here][2]][2]

Hi to all, 

I am working on a 24-volt BLDC 3ph drive application.
I have made this design with a basic understanding of p and n channel MOSFET.
In this design, MOSFET gate pulse is in voltage range of 18-20 volt.
I am quite confused about choosing the correct value gate resistor. I came to know that it must be within 20-50 ohm. I applied many combinations but still, the problem lies the same as the previous one.

I also came to know that may be a dead band is not quite enough that will make MOSFET hotter so I changed it accordingly. From 1us to 3.2us. But still no change in temperature. 

**please** be noted that gate pulse is coming from the Allegro based BLDC driver **A4963**. I am also attaching sch. Of it.

Kindly give me suggestion regarding this and tell me what precautions should be taken in this schematics. 

 N channel: IRF3205
 P channel: IRF4905
 Driver asic A4963 Allegro

[![enter image description here][3]][3]

  [1]: http://www.irf.com/product-info/datasheets/data/irf3205.pdf
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/OFfiP.png
  [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/D5UYc.png