I've picked up some IR sensors from a local electronics shop. The shopkeeper had no idea about the specification/part-no of the sensor. I've assumed it to be TSOP38238 as my sensor looks exactly like this.[![enter image description here][1]][1]

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/riaRC.png

I am providing 3.3v (2A) to the sensor on the rightmost pin and have connected the center pin to the ground. I've used an household AC's IR remote to test it.
The output is consistently 3.15-3.20v when no IR light is pointed to it.
**Strangely** the output ranges between 2.7v to 3.00v when i point IR from my remote to it.

I want to hook this sensor to ESP8266 to an interrupt pin but i don't think the MCU will detect an interrupt (change) with such ouput.