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26 votes

Is temperature the only battery charging speed limitation?

Can I charge as fast as I want, provided that I cool down sufficiently? No. To charge faster you need higher voltage to overcome internal resistance. If the voltage is too high it may cause dam …
Bruce Abbott's user avatar
8 votes

Is it safe to discharge Li-Ion to 0V?

Storing them "discharged" to ~3V with the device they were used in still preserves lots of energy in the battery. At 3V a Li-ion battery has almost no capacity left. In this graph two 800mAh …
Bruce Abbott's user avatar
7 votes

Why are lithium-ion batteries stored at 50% voltage and not a lower voltage?

I've always assumed that the lower the voltage, the less material degradation, but that starting a storage cycle with a voltage too low runs the risk of dropping the voltage to a point where th …
Bruce Abbott's user avatar
7 votes

Why are lithium-ion batteries typically used if they’re so flammable?

Li-ion is primarily chosen for higher energy density (by weight and volume), but also for higher power, higher voltage, more flexible form factor, cheaper and easier manufacture, more efficient chargi …
Bruce Abbott's user avatar
3 votes

How does charge/discharge current increase battery temperature?

There is resistance in the metal of the plates and wiring, active plate materials, and electrolyte. The heat produced by this resistance is proportional to current squared. In metals the resistance …
Bruce Abbott's user avatar
3 votes

Practical Basics of Charging a Battery

When selecting a battery charger, what ratings must I know (from both the charger and the battery)? Charging algorithm must match the battery type. Charger nominal voltage / number of cells must m …
Bruce Abbott's user avatar
3 votes

Can I keep Li-Ion battery 'charging' continuously at 3.7 V?

does the battery take zero current once it's at 3.7 V? Yes. Or to be more precise, once the battery voltage reaches the regulated power supply voltage the charge current will reduce exponentially …
Bruce Abbott's user avatar
2 votes

What is the battery weight of the Nissan Leaf 62 kWh?

According to PUSHEVS, the specs of the 40 kWh and 62 kWh batteries are:- 40 kWh battery Total battery capacity: 39,46 kWh Usable battery capacity: 36 kWh (91 %) Battery weight: 303 kg Battery energy …
Bruce Abbott's user avatar
2 votes

Charging Batteries: Estimating SOC using a Voltage look up table

The problem with this is that the batteries are charged using PV cells which means I am employing an MPPT algorithm to adjust the voltage to deliver the most power to the batteries so this is not an …
Bruce Abbott's user avatar
2 votes

Why do battery cells fail in groups?

several boxes with close manufacturing dates that have held sets of about 100 cells each (in close proximity) and in which several failed. All batteries with expiry date way into the future Properly …
Bruce Abbott's user avatar
2 votes

Lead Acid max discharge rate?

30 minutes is about what you will get. At 1C (the theoretical '1 hour' discharge rate) a typical Pb battery has about half its rated capacity, so a 4Ah battery can do 4A for 30 minutes.
Bruce Abbott's user avatar
2 votes

Battery life calculation - depending voltage levels

For an example if I use 3.7 V battery, what is the lasting voltage? What if my limit is 2.7 V in my system, I mean that system will passive under 2.7 V, how will be the calculation? What if I use the …
Bruce Abbott's user avatar
1 vote

Why are(n't) rechargeable batteries damaged by partial charging (additions)?

I found the article having deficiencies and looking to find more "accurate" and scientifically minded studies on batteries charging / discharging effects / performances (that study disclosed sample s …
Bruce Abbott's user avatar
1 vote

Can LiMn02 Lithium Manganese Dioxide batteries like CR123a be used in parallel?

Lithium Manganese Dioxide Battery (Li/MnO2) - Maxell Using different batteries together, i.e. different type or used and new or different manufacturer could cause distortion, leakage, overheat …
Bruce Abbott's user avatar
0 votes

Slightly bloated LiPo; still save?

A small amount of 'puffing' (1 or 2mm) is nothing to worry about, provided that it wasn't caused by over charging or discharging and the battery is otherwise in good health (cells stay in balance, has …
Bruce Abbott's user avatar

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