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BJT stands for Bipolar Junction Transistor. It is a three-terminal electronic device constructed of doped semiconductor material and may be used in amplifying or switching applications.

5 votes

Why use emitter current from DC response in calculations?

In "small signal AC" analysis, you assume that the amplitude of the AC signal is negligibly small compared to the DC bias current. Therefore the AC signal doesn't significantly perturb the DC bias poi …
jp314's user avatar
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0 votes

Current Mirror (or other solution) for driving individual LED channels of different specific...

This may work well in simulation, but not quite as well in practice. Different NPNs will have different VBE for a given current and so their currents may not match. The switch that grounds the emitter …
jp314's user avatar
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0 votes

PN junction voltage drops in a Saturated BJT

The definition of saturation is VBC > 0. Thus VCE is less than VBE. Under normal conditions, VBE is around 0.7 V, and the transistor will operate reasonably predictability until VBC is over 0.3 or 0 …
jp314's user avatar
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0 votes

If two BJT bases are shorted, where does the voltage come from?

If you care about leakage currents, and perhaps the switching speed of the circuit, I would suggest adding pull-down resistors between the base and emitters of each of the 4 H-Bridge transistors. Anyt …
jp314's user avatar
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0 votes

Influential factors setting the operation point of a bipolar transistor?

You typically bias a transistor to optimize some conflicting, variable, and perhaps unclear goals: 1: To minimize wasted power (current) 2: To allow the AC component of a signal (added to the DC bias …
jp314's user avatar
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1 vote

Transistor bias circuit

That PNP is biased off. I suspect you really intended to put an NPN there, and exchange the E & C ?
jp314's user avatar
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0 votes

Is it possible to make this BJT-based voltage limiter more \$\beta\$-independent and tempera...

This circuit might work in a 'DC' mode; however it will not work well (or at all) in practice because of AC (loop gain) stability. Note that this circuit is not particularly precise -- the clamping po …
jp314's user avatar
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4 votes

Changing Vbe_on in Pspice - Student capture

There is no 'VBE' parameter in a SPICE model. This is indirectly controlled via the 'IS' parameter. Be aware that a BJR doesn't just "turn on" at a single VBE voltage -- it's all gradual even from VBE …
jp314's user avatar
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1 vote

Why does the emitter current increase with an increase in collector to base voltage in the c...

There are two different effects on collector current that happen when VCE is increased. Which one depends on whether the VBE is held constant, or the IB is held constant. Base current is the sum of B …
jp314's user avatar
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1 vote

Can you (theoretically) reverse bias a BJT?

Yes, you can exchange emitter and collector, but the transistor won't work as well. Generally the emitter is doped much higher than the base, and base is doped higher than the collector. This improves …
jp314's user avatar
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3 votes

Gate to Source Resistor turning MOSFET into BJT

A BJT has a very definite relationship between VBE and currents. MOSFETs have lower gm (dI_drain/dVGS) which is not as precise as BJTs. … The current that flows in your R_GS is linear with VGS; a BJT is exponential. There is no definite relationship (like beta) between resistor current and drain current. …
jp314's user avatar
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14 votes

NPN transistor resistor from base to GND. Is this useful?

Depending on the MCU, its IO pin may be tri-state at power up (or reset) until it is programmed to either a '0' or a '1'. If it is tri-state, small amounts of leakage (on the transistor, pin, or PC bo …
jp314's user avatar
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3 votes

Does changing the collector resistance of a common base amplifier have any effect on the cur...

You are correct. Unless the transistor is in saturation, IC is nearly equal to IE. Therefore (nearly) the same current flows in RC and RE. So for a change in the base voltage deltaVB, a change in emit …
jp314's user avatar
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0 votes

Could I replace a diode with a BJT in a pinch?

The B-E diode (even if connected with B-C shorted) will generally have a breakdown voltage of about 6 V, and likely if you apply lower reverse voltage for more than a few hours you may find that the t …
jp314's user avatar
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2 votes

What is BF in transistors?

While beta is useful To broadly describe BJT performance, it is not a fundamental parameter of the device. …
jp314's user avatar
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