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Does the loading of an RS485 transceiver depend on the length of the cable used?

Will the loading of the device while using a 1km long cable be the same as if I use, for eg, a 10m cable? to a first approximation it will be the same load, the characteristic impedance of a cable ...
Jasen  Слава Україні's user avatar
1 vote

Does the loading of an RS485 transceiver depend on the length of the cable used?

Will the loading of (an RS-485) device while using a 1km long cable be the same as if I use, for eg, a 10m cable?" The short answer is no. How will you test the step response and symbol rate ...
D.A.S.'s user avatar
  • 148k
4 votes

Does the loading of an RS485 transceiver depend on the length of the cable used?

I'm assuming you are parallel terminating the cable at the destination, with ~100 ohms? Then the DC loading will be less because of the resistance of the cable, which is in series with the ...
SteveSh's user avatar
  • 11.1k
-2 votes

Does the loading of an RS485 transceiver depend on the length of the cable used?

A cable has capacitance per unit length described in data sheet. A 1000 meter cable has 100 times the capacitance of 10 meter cable. Charging the wire capacitance does provide additional load that ...
Justme's user avatar
  • 172k
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Feasibility of high-speed omnidirectional communication through infrared light

The Ronja/Twibright Labs folks have been successful at transmitting 10BASE Ethernet over an optical link back in the 90s. With a higher power transmitter it should work for short range omnidirectional ...
Kuba hasn't forgotten Monica's user avatar
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CANopen - explanation of TPDO and RPDO

The documentation is correct. You can't have two nodes on the bus with the same COB-ID's. RPDO sends message to the COB-ID of the TPDO. That way the TPDO can receive it. The TPDO replies by ...
Reggie Little's user avatar
1 vote

USB-C port as a power delivery and data transfer

Your device has 10k or 22k resistors to 5V. The role is fixed to be a DFP, which means it sources power and is a data host, and can't change role.
Justme's user avatar
  • 172k

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