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Is connecting a diode in series with a resistive load safe for a Solar inverter?

That depends on whether your inverter is rated for 1000W continuous load or if that's its short-time peak rating. You should never run power inverters, converters and adapters at their maximum rated ...
Edin Fifić's user avatar
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-1 votes

Find DC current through the diodes

I have tried to solve this question but I couldn't write so much maths on a PC so I wrote it on a piece of paper. Hope this helps.
Saranya Mukherjee's user avatar
9 votes

Help in identifying an abnormal PCB found suspiciously

As surmised in the comments already, this is most likely a cheap "mood light" USB device, which has two RGB LEDs for increased brightness, and a button to change the mode / color... If you ...
Attie's user avatar
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Alternative to a single high spec'd diode

Alternative to a single high spec'd diode It appears the goal of the circuit is to protect against reverse connection of a DC power supply. This makes the solution simpler than rectifying AC current ...
jpa's user avatar
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Determine adequate speed of flyback diode for a relay

Diode speed is essentially irrelevant: diodes are normally rated in terms of reverse recovery, but there's no hard off-switching in this application. With such high inductance in the coil, recovery ...
Tim Williams's user avatar
  • 43.3k
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The effect of silicon diode vs Schottky diode as reverse voltage protection of a LED

Some off-datasheet facts may be of interest: Most LEDs have very low leakage, a reflection of their wide-bandgap nature. (Photocurrent dominates; yes, you can use LEDs in reverse, i.e., shine a light ...
Tim Williams's user avatar
  • 43.3k
6 votes

Alternative to a single high spec'd diode

Diode current sharing can be bad. This can be mitigated by overframing. In other words, by using more than four 2 ampere diodes for your 8 ampere need. Both normal Si diodes and Schottky diodes have a ...
Autistic's user avatar
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10 votes

Alternative to a single high spec'd diode

Single diodes in parallel will not share current perfectly. They also won't share perfectly imperfectly, so we can conclude that the total current rating is somewhere between 2A and 8A. How much ...
Tim Williams's user avatar
  • 43.3k
7 votes

Alternative to a single high spec'd diode

If the blocking voltage is low enough to allow you to use Schottky diodes, use them. If you need higher blocking voltage, i.e. silicon diodes, you need to add resistors in each branch to avoid thermal ...
winny's user avatar
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How do I find a transistor and diode equivalent to the ones in the photos below?

The first part is a Jilin Sino Microelectronics 400V BJT The second is a dual Schottky diode from the same maker. lcsc has equivalents in stock for the first part and an equivalent for the second, for ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
0 votes

Please help me identify a diode

It could be a Zener or other special purpose diode. If you have a similar board, clip one lead, measure forward and backward voltage drop with constant-current power supply limited to a mA or two, and ...
DrMoishe Pippik's user avatar
1 vote

Identify a SMD diode used in a PFC circuit

On May 19, 2023 at 14:04, David Fear contributed the following edit to their question: I found this service manual: ...
4 votes

Help identify part with marking code |ACG and VE

IC28 is most likely an 74LVC1G08GW AND Gate from nexperia, LCSC has a picture: The way I found it: the marking style looked like nexperia so I searched for "VE marking nexperia SOT23-5" ...
Hans mitm Flammenwerfer's user avatar
3 votes

Flyback Diode Question

Your schematic symbol is wrong- a Zener diode rather than a Schottky. In any case, if your driver has a high-side switch then the orientation is correct. The peak diode current could be in excess of ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
2 votes

Flyback Diode Question

Flyback diodes should always be connected to the terminals of the coil or inductor, since the inductor will generate a (huge) negative voltage across it's terminals. If you are designing a pcb, keep ...
Hans mitm Flammenwerfer's user avatar
6 votes

Help Identify SMD Part Marking ATPJ

It's a MPS MP6907GJ fast turn-off flyback synchronous rectifier. (Source:
nanash1's user avatar
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Estimation of when to prefer ultrafast silicon diodes over silicon Schottky diodes

The last one is in error: it should be IRR, not IF. To the extent these are proportionate (which is roughly true in most operating conditions), that's still the right sort of idea though. Note that, ...
Tim Williams's user avatar
  • 43.3k
2 votes

How does DS18B20 temperature sensor get the temperature?

From Maxim Application Note 4377 Comparison of the DS18B20 and DS18S20 1- Wire® Digital Thermometers How the Devices Work: The DS18B20 and DS18S20 both use the same base design. Temperature ...
uhoh's user avatar
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5 votes

Should I be able to see light from a IR Led with my own eyes?

Should I be able to see light from a IR Led with my own eyes? The perceived intensity of light falls off rapidly at wavelengths above 700 nm. Typically, signals at 810 nm not noticeable. However, if ...
Math Keeps Me Busy's user avatar
14 votes

Should I be able to see light from a IR Led with my own eyes?

As someone who has overdriven many an LED, the failure mode is not a dull red glow. You would likely see a brief flicker, sometimes accompanied by a small crackle. IR emitters have their peak at 850 ...
vir's user avatar
  • 21.3k
5 votes

How does DS18B20 temperature sensor get the temperature?

The data sheet refers to an application note how to deal with bandgap-based digital sensors. So it likely uses a silicon bandgap temperature sensor. Which means the bandgap is either a diode or base-...
Justme's user avatar
  • 164k
3 votes

difference between reverse saturation and leakage current

Real diodes have various deviations from the ideal diode equation. Let me explain the forward imperfections first, then the reverse ones. At low forward biases (say < 300 mV for Si at room ...
jp314's user avatar
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0 votes

difference between reverse saturation and leakage current

You asked about leakage current and saturation current. If the voltage over the diode is negative, "reverse biased", the current is not exactly zero, but a small current is flowing, called ...
Roland's user avatar
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Diode heating of junctions

Virtually all of the current in a PN diode results in recombination. As electrons in the N material approach the depletion region, they meet an exponentially increasing concentration of holes which ...
Math Keeps Me Busy's user avatar
6 votes

Is it normal to be able to tear off PCB components with bare hands?

In my experience it is relatively easy to pull extremely small pads off of cheaply made boards. They're only held on by glue and if the pad is tiny the glue has little area to work with. In the case ...
user1850479's user avatar
  • 17.8k
11 votes

Is it normal to be able to tear off PCB components with bare hands?

I'm not sure if you refer to the quality of the PCB or the quality of the soldering, or both. So, is this normal with PCbs in general, and with SOD-323 diodes in particular? A properly done solder ...
Lundin's user avatar
  • 21.6k
-5 votes

What is this diode marked IN4001 B4?

It is a generic general-purpose diode. B4 does not mean anything except to the manufacturer. Look for any diode with a 1-amp forward current or greater and a 50-volt peak repetitive reverse voltage or ...
Dereck's user avatar
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6 votes

What is this diode marked IN4001 B4?

B4 is probably a lot code or something of that ilk. Just replace it with a 1N400x where x = 1,2,3,4,5,6 or 7. If you buy some of the higher numbers you can use them to replace any lower number ('7' = ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar

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