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6 votes

STM32 HAL can't turn LED on

Basically what @bitsmack suggested should look something like this: ...
Bence Kaulics's user avatar
4 votes

STM32 HAL can't turn LED on

I haven't used this HAL, but it looks like you are missing some necessary system configuration code. I would expect to see (at least) something like this: ...
bitsmack's user avatar
  • 17k
4 votes

ST-Link connection suddenly stops responding

It seems that in the HAL project the SYS / Debug was not set to Serial Wire (this is not default). However, the first time it was possible to debug, but not afterwards anymore. The reason is that the ...
Michel Keijzers's user avatar
3 votes

STM32CubeIDE .ld files font colors

I quickly found a workaround solution changing the File Associations. Go to Preference,General,Editors,File Associations. Select Text Editor in Open unassociated file with: Then, select *.ld and ...
OnlySim1's user avatar
3 votes

How to put "printf" on console Debug QEMU on Eclipse STM32F4

This is a standard feature of the C library. Standard output (and input) is line buffered by default, therefore it will be held in a buffer (by the target libc) until/unless you do one of the ...
followed Monica to Codidact's user avatar
3 votes

How much RAM do I have for dynamic memory allocation in my Nios II

You should know this because you built the NOIS processor and had to specify the size of the ram to make the processor. Its whatever you allocated in NIOS, which is stored in a constant in system.h in ...
Voltage Spike's user avatar
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2 votes

STM32 software IDE

huh, never heard of these two. Generally, you don't need a specific IDE for your Chip manufacturer – they are just ARM microcontrollers, and as long as your IDE is not restricted to a specific ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
2 votes

Programming SAM uC family without ATmel Studio

Been trying to accomplish this too and as I see, there are three ways to do this in Eclipse. One is through the GNU ARM Eclipse tools plugin, second is to create a Makefile project and specify all the ...
Sohail's user avatar
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2 votes

Unit testing with Eclipse System Workbench (STM32)

I suggest using something like CPPUTest. I have used this on CCS and I think the setup would be the same as it. For your installation of g++/gcc, I suggest using MINGW if your Cygwin installation ...
nikhil_kotian's user avatar
2 votes

Better procedure for 'recovering'an STM32F103C8T6?

I found the problem of one of the questions, so I added it for other people's reference, since it is a non-trivial default: When using the STM32CubeMX which I do, whenever a project is made, by ...
Michel Keijzers's user avatar
2 votes

GNU MCU Eclipse compiles files but no object (.o) files

If someone else struggles with this, disable -Wpedantic or -pedantic. You only need these options if your code has to meet ...
Quint van Dijk's user avatar
2 votes

Identifying unhandled interrupt

You can add a new handler with an infinite loop one at a time until the missing IRQ handler is detected. It's a slow, but reliable method. You can find the full list of weak IRQ definitions in the <...
tarabyte's user avatar
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2 votes

Debug and View Registers

Sorry your question has gone for 2 months unanswered. I just solved this issue myself so I figured I'd swing by with my findings. If anyone else more experienced chimes in, prefer their advice over ...
jesseissorude's user avatar
1 vote

ESP32-S2 JTAG programing problems

After more debugging I found out that ESP32 module was not working at all. I soldered another board and it is working fine.
ves_el's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I fix "Nios2 software build tools for eclipse" build errors?

Ok, so I did this and that and finally found the cure. Project RBM click -> Index -> Freshen all files and Project RBM click -> Index -> Rebuild That's how I got rid of those errors. But I did get ...
Roman Chismar's user avatar
1 vote

Internally Pulled-Up signal on STM32 interrupt pin?

The STM32F103C8T6 is used in the Blue Pill devices. If that is the one you have (i.e. not your own custom board) then it has 10k pull-up on PA12, which is actually connected to USB jack. Also note, ...
Maple's user avatar
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1 vote

Internally Pulled-Up signal on STM32 interrupt pin?

I've noticed pa11 and 12 have slightly odd characteristics, which i think is due to them being usb pins and needing to be 5v tolerant. I'm not sure about this. I don't think they have the same esd ...
David Molony's user avatar
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1 vote

e2 studio undefined reference to 'posix_memalign'

[UPDATE] The error log as below ...
Tạ Lục Gia Hoàng's user avatar
1 vote

STM32 Simple Timer in Eclipse

You need to add all used HAL .c files to your project. The easiest way: Download the CubeMx. Create the project for your micro. Configure the clock. You can also configure another peripherals (...
0___________'s user avatar
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1 vote

ST-Link connection suddenly stops responding

I faced exactly same problem.This happens because jtag is disabled inside the code we generate from CubeMX software. Solution: remove the blow lines inside stm32f1xx_hal_msp.c file : ...
Dhiraj Patil's user avatar
1 vote

Error to execute QEMU on Eclipse with STM32F429

Your program is attempting to use functionality unsupported by the simulator. The message tells you at exactly which line of which source file the offending attempt is made. You will have to avoid ...
Chris Stratton's user avatar
1 vote

How do I visualise the variables in OpenSTM32? Is it like in Open STM Studio?

I was working on the same thing. Here how I did it (not the GUI part). You can use OpenOCD and gdb to debug/view variables. Start an OpenOCD server: ...
pmundt's user avatar
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1 vote

STM32 software IDE

Generally I would recommend SW4 (OpenSTM32). Easy import from CubeMx. I do not personally use HAL (usually only bare registers programming) but when I create the Cube project I get most up to date ...
0___________'s user avatar
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1 vote

Is there a way to have visibility of certain part of Nios II system memory for debug purpose?

It isn't entirely clear what kind of visibility you're looking for. For peripheral registers (or any other hardware nodes, for that matter), there's always SignalTap, the FPGA equivalent of a logic ...
Dave Tweed's user avatar
  • 177k
1 vote

STM32L031 not running after stopping debugging

When using the debugger, the processor is forced to execute from a certain region. On power-on reset, the bootloader determines where it should start. Some pins or flash location provide the ...
Jeroen3's user avatar
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1 vote

STM32L031 not running after stopping debugging

One thing that can stop it from running is if you are using semi-hosting. In your project properties, try to remove the following two symbols: I have multiple projects, and only some of them require ...
bitsmack's user avatar
  • 17k

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