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Mitigating Single-Point Failure in an I2C Bus for Satellite ADCS

You've got as many I2C buses as the number of pairs of unused GPIO pins you have got. There's not that much benefit to using the I2C bus hardware usually. There's a niche for them on relatively slow ...
Kuba hasn't forgotten Monica's user avatar
4 votes

Seeing temperature jumps on MAX31827 via I2C

The I²C protocol reads (and writes) data byte-wise, i.e., eight bits at a time. You need to read two bytes to get the 12-bit value, and, apparently, the measured temperature changed between these two ...
CL.'s user avatar
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Seeing temperature jumps on MAX31827 via I2C

The MAX31827 data sheet cautions against the selection of incompatible conversion values. Specifically, against selecting too small of a conversion interval and too high a resolution: When selecting ...
st2000's user avatar
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Is there a concern having a faster rise time in I2C fast mode than 20ns spec?

I think there is a concern. Not because in itself it is faster than allowed by I2C specification, but for the reason why, as it may reveal a problem, or it might be fine after you know why it is too ...
Justme's user avatar
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Simple I2C communication between two ATmega32U4s -- first transmission works, then it hangs

Basically, the receiver does not handle all cases it should from the I2C peripheral, the I2C peripheral jams the bus because it must signal a wait by clock stretching because the software hasn't ...
Justme's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there a concern having a faster rise time in I2C fast mode than 20ns spec?

Is there any concern for \$t_R<20~ns\$. Consider -3 dB BW = 0.35/T (10~90%) = 70 MHz. Just above, this is the FM band where emission regulations are tighter due to crøsstalk interference to FM ...
D.A.S.'s user avatar
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Is there a concern having a faster rise time in I2C fast mode than 20ns spec?

This is a bit of a mystery. You can find numerous 'official' non-answers in forums from the likes of NXP and TI, basically they say to follow the specification. There is speculation that it could be ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar

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