New answers tagged lcd
Why ist the parallel RGB LCD interface radiating on my PCB?
As mentioned in comment to @rohmeoo 's answer. Slew rate control is like adding series Rs into 30 pf which you may not have with unshielded FFC around 0.5 pF /cm (est.) the speed breakpoint might ...
Why ist the parallel RGB LCD interface radiating on my PCB?
Change OSPEED register to reduce edge rates and get rid of the ringing. Should be a night and day difference if those signals are the perpetrators.
Is this reflective or transflective LCD?
Your cube clock is transflective. the watch is reflective.
transflective merely means it can transmit light that shines in from the back of the LCD stack but also can operate by reflecting light ...
Identify this 2-chip LED for LCD illumination
There are many similar SMT parts on offer. For example, these
LEDs are so much better these days that a single die is all that is required (and they're half the length anyway, so definitely one), but ...
Identify this 2-chip LED for LCD illumination
These look like either custom or obsolete THT LEDs.
Everlight and others make smaller SMT versions now.
MOQ 10k if custom. These look like a rear panel illuminator.
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