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2 votes

Is the use of optoisolators to isolate and clean a signal before an OR gate input good practice? If not what is better?

If you’re creating an alarm system for an industrial customer, you should look into a concept called Fully Supervised Loop. FSL systems use switch and end-of-line terminators to detect whether a loop ...
hacktastical's user avatar
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Identify SMD Part Marking AM and MO

The part marked AM is a Nexperia 74AHC1G125GW buffer/line driver. (source: M0 is a Onsemi NL17SZ125 buffer. (source:...
nanash1's user avatar
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Why are my LEDs not behaving properly upon wiring them to the outputs of my 74LS47 decoder?

I can see several possible problems. Pin 1 (A1) is connected to the lower positive bus, but I don't see any other connection to that bus, unless you've connected it at the end that we can't see in the ...
GodJihyo's user avatar
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Implementing a boolean function using at most 10 gates

Here's a clue to get you started: - That uses two XNOR gates to make s.
Andy aka's user avatar
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I am trying to implement a function using only NAND gates

The reason NAND gates are often considered the "most basic" building blocks are that: They (and NOR) are the least costly in silicon. Four transistors form the core. The output is more ...
Cristobol Polychronopolis's user avatar

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