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23 votes

What is this "/|\" symbol on the enclosures of various appliances?

The Broad Arrow (aka 'pheon') indicates that the item in question was once (British) Government property - a Crown asset.
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
22 votes

What is ohm joules (ΩJ) unit used for?

That's not J for joules. It's probably J for 5% tolerance. The component is just a 10 mΩ resistor with a 5 W rating.
hobbs's user avatar
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20 votes

Why datecode is SO IMPORTANT to chip manufacturers?

Date codes (and sometimes batch codes which are usually on the packaging) are important for traceability both for the device manufacturer and the customer. In safety critical applications (such as ...
Peter Smith's user avatar
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18 votes

PCB Logic Board Reference Designator "E"

IEEE Std 315 suggests that you use "TP" for testpoints. The single letter "E" can be used for many things, including "circuit terminal", "electrical contact", ...
Elliot Alderson's user avatar
18 votes

What is ohm joules (ΩJ) unit used for?

"J" means a resistor value tolerance of +/- 5% as per this site. The resistor in question has a value of 10 milli-ohms (\$m\Omega\$). It also applies to capacitors as per this wiki site: -
Andy aka's user avatar
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17 votes

PCB Logic Board Reference Designator "E"

It's a pad for a flying probe test (which happens at assembly and you can see indentations from a probe or meter, if this is a production board then it's probably a flying probe test point). Flying ...
Voltage Spike's user avatar
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14 votes

What do multiple contact ratings on a relay represent?

Yes, it can support lower voltages (e.g., 24VAC), so long as the current is less than 15A. Different regional standards, different ratings. The first "10A/250VAC" is the TÜV rating (EU ...
hacktastical's user avatar
11 votes

Need help identifying the value of a tantalum capacitor marked 226C

"226" = "22" followed by 6 zeros, in pF. 22,000,000 pF = 22µF "C" = 16V See:
Jonathan S.'s user avatar
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10 votes

Is this capacitor marking in pF or µF?

That is a ceramic disc capacitor, 47 pF. Here's a datasheet for a typical capacitor of this type: A good clue: The two capacitors, crystal, and resistor ...
jonathanjo's user avatar
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10 votes

What do multiple contact ratings on a relay represent?

It states "15A 125VAC". Does that mean it will support any voltage up to 125VAC, including 24VAC? Yes. Is there a formula I can use to calculate the maximum amperage that can be drawn on ...
hobbs's user avatar
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8 votes

SMD diode identifying marking 96

Rohm RB055LAM-60 Schottky Barrier Diode in SOD128 Package with marking code 96. The how: Firstly, what package is the diode in - knowing the package limits the search massively. In this case it's a ...
Tom Carpenter's user avatar
8 votes

Having trouble identifying value of inductor, what is its inductance?

From the photo it looks like 10uH +/-10%. The band color appears to be silver (not grey/gray), plus 80uH would not be an E12 value (8.2uH would be) and brown is a rather unlikely tolerance (1%) for ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
8 votes

PCB Logic Board Reference Designator "E"

Test point? That's the designation we use for such things. Edit 1 Note, we also use "E" for the uses Elliot mentioned in his comment. I'm gonna venture a guess that someone along the way ...
SteveSh's user avatar
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8 votes

Is this capacitor marking in pF or µF?

Encoding for Ceramic Capacitors Ceramic capacitors encoding consists 1-3 digits. If the capacitor code consist only 1 or 2 digits, it is simply their capacitance value in PicoFarads (pF). For example ...
Velvet's user avatar
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7 votes

Why are capacitors usually marked on the negative terminal, not positive?

Why are capacitors usually marked on the negative terminal, not positive? Here some polarized capacitors: - Now you tell me which is the dominant polarity marker?
Andy aka's user avatar
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7 votes

How to identify SMD device marked LEFBV?

It's an IRLML0060TRPbF N-channel MOSFET Maybe, anyway. From the International Rectifier (now Infineon) datasheet, it matches your pinout: And the markings seem very familiar, too: L̲...
marcelm's user avatar
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7 votes

MKT capacitor with ohm value on case markings

I would like to provide an alternative answer, as to me it makes no sense to have a complex impedance of 0.25J + 200 Ohms printed on a capacitor-looking device, when I know that components that are ...
Justme's user avatar
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7 votes

Unknown SMD Component

The usual search from s-manuals ( didn't bring useful results. The part looks like a low voltage op amp judging from the schematic. The right-hand side sub-circuit ...
Rohat Kılıç's user avatar
7 votes

Unknown SMD Component

This is roughly how that circuit can be re-drawn: simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab And here is it re-drawn to be easier to follow: simulate this circuit
Kuba hasn't forgotten Monica's user avatar
7 votes

Is this capacitor marking in pF or µF?

That is a ceramic disc capacitor, normally you would have three figures on it, and the value is in pF; 470 means 47 x 10^0 = 47 pF, 102 = 10 x 10^2 = 100 pF and so on. I suppose in this case they just ...
Vladimir Cravero's user avatar
6 votes

Identify fuse end cap marking "LF"

It's the manufacturer's mark (Littelfuse).
vir's user avatar
  • 21.4k
5 votes

Capacitor Numbers, What do these markings mean?

I would agree its a 330uF 16V capacitor. The 282 appears to be a production or lot code. The information is found in datasheets, so you would need to determine the manufacturer and series to be sure....
narkeleptk's user avatar
5 votes

What do 'L2' or 'L3' marking codes on electrolytic capacitors mean?

Probably (German industry?) standardized case size codes. Kemet lists these sizes:
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
5 votes

What do multiple contact ratings on a relay represent?

Yes. And, both the voltage and current ratings are maximums that are independent of each other. For a 1 VAC signal, the max current still is 10 A. The symbols to the left are the logos for safety ...
AnalogKid's user avatar
  • 22k
5 votes

Color Code for Fusible or Flame Retardant Resistors: Data Sheets, Standards?

Overview (details and sources follow below) Body Color Fifth Band Manufacturer Type Material Fusing Non-Flammable Grey Violet Vishay BC NFR25 Metal Film Yes Yes Grey White Vishay BC NFR25H Metal ...
zebonaut's user avatar
  • 18.5k
4 votes

SMD transistor marking

It is a date/manufacturing code. Does not change pinout in any way. Look at this datasheet:
vofa's user avatar
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4 votes

SMD Component Identification 6 pin with diode properties

"K5" identifies the PESD5V0S4UD, a 5 V ESD protection diode array made by Philips NXP Nexperia:
CL.'s user avatar
  • 19.7k
4 votes

SMD LED polarity marking: is the cathode marking standardized?

I believe that PCB manufacturers are aware of the fact that surface mount LED can have the tab on the Anode side. I have worked before with several manufacturers and they have always asked about the ...
Krauss's user avatar
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