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Can I use ST-Link V2 in conjunction with MPLABXIDE to program Microchip dsPIC33FJ and related?

The answers in Can I use ST-Link programmer for non-ST chips? mention that a ST-Link can be flashed with different firmware. Looking at the possible options: Black Magic Debug : The Supported Targets ...
Chester Gillon's user avatar
0 votes

How does the control unit (CU) actually work?

I didn't understand the explanation of the CU (Control Unit). How do signals control, for example, whether the ALU should add, subtract or perform a logical operation It's the same as in a simple ...
Kuba hasn't forgotten Monica's user avatar
2 votes

How does the control unit (CU) actually work?

The ALU is just a bunch of building blocks to add and subtract and stuff. Sometimes it must include the carry, sometimes it must not. Sometimes it is required to shift bits left, sometimes right. ...
Simon Fitch's user avatar
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How does the control unit (CU) actually work?

To provide more of a visualization of Matt's answer, here's a good diagram of how MIPS architecture handles their operations. This is a 1-bit ALU: Picture can be found in the textbook Computer ...
Colin's user avatar
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How does the control unit (CU) actually work?

The function of the control signals are determined by the design of the ALU, so my answer should be considered as one possible implementation. That being said, the simplest answer is that control ...
Matt S's user avatar
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How does the control unit (CU) actually work?

The ALU can take two numbers in, do some operation to the two numbers, and output the result. It can do any one operation out of many available but it must know which operation to do. The information ...
Justme's user avatar
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5 votes

Microcontroller - Difficulty with CMCON and MCLR commands

You are strongly recommended to read the manufacturers' datasheets and avoid very frequently unreliable secondary sources such as blogs and tutorials and most especially unverifiable "AI" ...
jonathanjo's user avatar
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Microcontroller - Difficulty with CMCON and MCLR commands

The TRIS overrides the analog input, so you can still use the pin as an output regardless of whether the comparator is enabled or not. However, by my reading, RA0 always reads as '0' when the pin is ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar

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