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Ethernet Transmission with one MAC and Multiple PHYs

Typically, a set of MII lines are connected from the MAC to a single PHY. The reason for multiple addresses for MDIO is for SOCs that contain multiple MAC modules and for switch chips. The MII from ...
DoxyLover's user avatar
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3 votes

Media Independent Interface signals

The tx clock is generated locally via the phy and a crystal oscillator whereas the rx clock is recovered from the incoming data. The wikipedia link you provided tells you this.
Kartman's user avatar
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Embedded Ethernet Solution w/ PoE+; SPI or MII?

Having looked at both options, I ended up implementing an MII interface Firmware wise, is MII or SPI more difficult to implement, or are they the same difficulty? The MII is more difficult to ...
Voltage Spike's user avatar
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2 votes

How should I connect two MII devices back to back?

Just look at the data directions on the pins. Generally, you only connect outputs to inputs, so... The short answer for these two chips is that RX connects to RX and TX connects to TX. Also the ...
user4574's user avatar
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1 vote

Media Independent Interface signals

You need a clock to transmit data, and you need a clock to receive data from another transmitter. Because each device transmits with the clock it generates, you can't use your own transmit clock for ...
Justme's user avatar
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Lan9500 to Switch (KSZ8795) MII wiring

You need to consider that the data sheets should describe what type of interface is on each device. (i.e. if TX is an output from a particular device or an input). If that is not fully apparent from ...
Michael Karas's user avatar
1 vote

Ethernet Phy Rx developed in a FPGA to send data to an ethernet Mac

First, what interface are you using? You said MII, but MII uses tx_en/tx_er or rx_dv/rx_er instead of tx_ctl/rx_ctl. Unless you're actually using RGMII, which muxes those two into one signal on ...
alex.forencich's user avatar
1 vote

How to connect two Ethernet switch ICs together using MII Interface

Q1: It's difficult to say with only the datasheet. There might be application notes about this. If you want the largest amount of RJ45 copper PHY ports, P4 should be left with UTP, so port 5 is ...
Justme's user avatar
  • 172k
1 vote

MDIO bus pull-ups

There is no need for multiple pull-ups on MDIO as that would amount to a single pull-up resistance anyway. You would look at MAC or PHY requirements for pull-up resistance and take a value that is ...
Justme's user avatar
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