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What is the recommended battery chemistry for digital multimeters?

From a performance perspective: For at least almost all practical models of DMMs, the chemistry won't matter much. Exception: Some models might take exception to NiMH/LSD-NiMH voltages being a bit ...
rackandboneman's user avatar
5 votes

Why do I measure a different voltage across an LED when I measure the two terminals with my multimeter vs when measuring everything related to GND?

Here is one possibility: simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab VM1 measures V1 minus the LED drop at the meter current. The LED may glow faintly, but enough to be visible ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
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Measuring Inverting Op Amp config and not getting desired output (practice)

How to reveal the inverting idea A good approach to understanding the inverting amplifier is to start by examining, step by step, the simpler non-inverting amplifier. This allows one to see the ...
Circuit fantasist's user avatar
1 vote

Identification of SOT-23 on Fluke 175

M1L is NSVMMBT6429LT1G and the CXQPI one is a IRLML6302
Mike's user avatar
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