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Is it possible to implement one 8-way 1-bit multiplexer?

An 8-way 1-bit multiplexer refers to 8 input lines and 1 output line; so the 8 way signals get reduced to just 1 bit at the output; So for every clock pulse u can get only 1 bit output for your 8 ...
Saranya Mukherjee's user avatar
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How can I select one of two identical USB power sources while blocking out the other?

The logic described for this application to control SEL is the classic Set-Reset NAND latch (with inverting inputs). VBUS Power present on only on USB1 should cause the logic output to be reset (...
BK303's user avatar
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RFID Multiplexing

13.56Mhz has a wavelength of 22m so long as you keep loops small you can use ordinary relays to switch this
Jasen  Слава Україні's user avatar

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