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12 votes

How is circuit "a" simplified to circuit "b"?

The 6 ohm resistor isn't "between" them in a way that's problematic1; it's parallel to everything else that's connected there. When you write out KCL at either the upper or lower node, you'...
nanofarad's user avatar
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7 votes

Resistor in parallel with a short circuit. Will current flow through it?

If the short circuit is perfect, the two leads of the resistor are at the same Voltage potential. In that case, no current can possibly flow through the resistor, no matter how much current you run ...
frr's user avatar
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7 votes

How is circuit "a" simplified to circuit "b"?

Is a “0.” being drawn over by the left black rectangle? If yes, then it makes perfect sense since it can be simplified into 1.5 A current source into a 2 Ω resistor.
winny's user avatar
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7 votes

How can I get the Thevenin equivalent of this circuit?

To find the Thevenin voltage at A and B you should try and simplify things. The first thing you should note is this: - This means that the circuit reduces to: - And, the 9 volt source and the 5 volt ...
Andy aka's user avatar
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5 votes

Norton equivalent with a single voltage source

Every time I see a question like this and decide to provide an answer I think I'm going to start with the following story lead. (The schematic re-write follows.) One of the better ways to try ...
jonk's user avatar
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4 votes

Find the Norton equivalent of circuit using superposition

v is a fixed voltage source, nothing connected to it changes the voltage, so you can ignore the entire circuit left of v as well as R5.
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
4 votes

How to use nodal or mesh analysis with a current source?

My problem here is how current source works. The beauty of source transformation If I redrew your original circuit like this: - Would you find it easier to solve? Would you know what to do next to ...
Andy aka's user avatar
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4 votes

How to solve Thevenin and Norton circuit?

From what I remember, you need to short the circuit for voltage sources then open circuit for current sources. With that, I used it to solve for RTH which is 58 ohms (but i don't know if I got it ...
Andy aka's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I get the Thevenin equivalent of this circuit?

You missed just one detail in getting the right Thevenin resistance: \$R_1\$, \$R_2\$, \$I_1\$, \$V_2\$, and \$R_5\$ can't alter anything as seen from A and B. What this subnet may alter is the ...
periblepsis's user avatar
  • 13.2k
3 votes

How to apply Thevenin's Theorem to this circuit?

You have correctly calculated the thevenin resistance. Next you need to calculate the thevenin voltage source. This can be done by replacing the source in the circuit while leaving the load out, and ...
Brandon Hill's user avatar
3 votes

Open Circuit Voltage Calculation

Start with KVL, -U0 - I0R2 + 0*R3 + U = 0 U = U0 + I0R2
CroCo's user avatar
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For the sake of finding the thevenin and norton equivalent circuits, how do I calculate the Isc and Voc in this circuit?

Final edit note: In the following discussion, I'd assumed you understood more about Thevenin than appears true. My apologies for that. The following still applies, but only after you understand what I ...
jonk's user avatar
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3 votes

The reason why Thevenin voltage source is in SERIES with Thevenin resistor and why Norton current source is in PARALLEL with Norton resistor

If the Thevenin source were in parallel, the output voltage would be constant. Ditto for Norton source/current. A two-port linear network containing only resistances, current sources, and/or voltage ...
vir's user avatar
  • 23.1k
3 votes

How come the Thevenin Equation is not being satisfied in this simulation?

The Thevenin resistance is 100 Ω. I'm unsure how you calculated it to be 50 Ω: -
Andy aka's user avatar
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3 votes

Help finding maximum power on R4 using Thévenin

First, I will present a method that uses Mathematica to solve this problem. I know that this approach is not 'smart' but this method will work all the time, even when the circuit is (way) more ...
Jan Eerland's user avatar
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3 votes

Rules for Obtaining Dual Circuits with Diodes

The diodes act as switches, and for simple intro textbook level duals you need two dual circuits that are switched: one works when one diode conducts, the other when the other conducts. Since you've ...
Kuba hasn't forgotten Monica's user avatar
3 votes

Finding the Thévenin and Norton equivalents for a circuit

I would really appreciate some help Usually, these problems area easier to solve by converting the voltage to a current source: - Then, because current sources play no role in the impedance it's ...
Andy aka's user avatar
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3 votes

Thévenin's Theorem - What to do when ending up with a voltage source in paralell with one resistor?

You made two errors. You need to calculate the thevenin voltage by finding the open-circuit (no load) output voltage of the circuit. You do this using the full schematic of the circuit, not one with ...
The Photon's user avatar
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3 votes

Node equations for Thevenin voltage

Nodes Let's get one thing straight. When doing circuit analysis: simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab Spend some time to make sure you are comfortable with all three: Top:...
periblepsis's user avatar
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3 votes

Finding Norton current

Your mesh-current analysis is correct. As for your concern, there is no reason to believe that the current through the shorted output port is \$I_S\$. You can approach this problem using superposition,...
K. Jiang's user avatar
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2 votes

What is relevance of Norton's theorem over Thevenin's theorem

Both theorums side by side (courtesy of hyperphysics): - Basically, Norton converts a bunch of resistors attached to a voltage source into a current source in parallel with a single equivalent ...
Andy aka's user avatar
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2 votes

Are there any cases where the source transformation method can't be applied?

My question here, Is there any Cases in Deducing Norton and Thevenin equivalents where I cannot use source transformation method? There is no Thevenin equivalent for an ideal current source. There is ...
The Photon's user avatar
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2 votes

Do a Thevenin source and its equivalent Norton source always supply equal power?

Yes, you're missing something. The Thévenin source includes both the voltage source AND the resistor, and the Norton source includes both the current source and the resistor. In both cases, ...
Dave Tweed's user avatar
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2 votes

Finding Thevenin equivalent circuit and using that circuit when terminals inside circuit

From the circuit drawing, we can see that the "load" is the \$6\Omega\$ resistor. So If I do the open circuit way should I omit the 6 ohm resistor and use KCL? To which the answer is yes. It may ...
Sven B's user avatar
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2 votes

Norton <-> Thévenin equivalents with complex impedances

If you imagine a load attached to the circuit, to get the equivalent the current and voltage sourced to the load needs to be the same if you change the circuit. If we go from the Thevenin to the ...
Voltage Spike's user avatar
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2 votes

Thevenin's theorem equivalent circuit

Your \$V_{th}\$ calculation is correct. But it's that funny that you don't see it cz of the notation \$V_{AB}\$ that you are using through out. You are trying to find the thevenin eq. circuit looking ...
Mitu Raj's user avatar
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2 votes

Thevenin's equivalent

Yes your analysis to find the thevenin resistance is spot on. Regards the voltage and that confusing current source, what I'd do is split that current source so that it takes 3 amps from node a to ...
Andy aka's user avatar
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2 votes

Understanding some mistakes, when trying to find the Thevenin equivalent

Every circuit transformation that you do must give a result at the "A & B" terminals indistinguishable from the final Thevenin or Norton equivalent: for this circuit arrangement you must have an ...
glen_geek's user avatar
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2 votes

Finding the current trough resistor in a closed mesh

There may be currents entering/leaving the nodes via the spurs. This doesn't matter, you don't need to find these, just solve the isolated mesh with the information given. \$\small R_2\$ has \$\small ...
Chu's user avatar
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2 votes

Why will i calculate the wrong current when i transform part of circuit to Thevenin circuit?

i can know i=−4 That is totally correct and this means that current passing through R3 (aka R6) is 4 amps. Note that R3 didn't transform into R6; it is R6. The problem arises when you then assume ...
Andy aka's user avatar
  • 473k

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