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4 votes

Generic packages for assembly tests

Yes, it does exist. I haven't used it myself but a collogue of mine used to work for a company making cell phones and due to time-to-market and Christmas sales being very important, they ordered empty ...
winny's user avatar
  • 16.8k
0 votes

Why do resistors still use color coding?

Legible figures and characters are not likely to introduce more interpretation errors than a memorized coding system... Nor is it mandatory hat resistors are radially symmetric (the leads could just ...
clast's user avatar
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2 votes

Need for cleaning solder residue for 7mm spacing due to breakdown voltage

You could have specified that the boards should be cleaned for a nominal cost adder. All types of soldering leave flux residue. Wave soldering more so since the flux has to be spread over the entire ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar

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